Unlocking Potential: How COBIT Optimizes Business Efficiency

Last week, Tania Postil (Knowledge and Research Director & Program Manager at the ISACA Belgium Chapter) hosted me again on her podcast series. This time, we discussed ISACA COBIT. Here is a summary of our discussion…

Gokhan Polat ☀️


Tania: Hello, everyone! Today, I’m having Gokhan with us again to dive deeper into the COBIT framework implementation. Gokhan is not only a COBIT Foundation but also an implementation-accredited trainer. Welcome, Gokhan.

Gokhan: Thank you, Tania! It’s a pleasure to be back and have the opportunity to discuss the COBIT framework further.

Here is our podcast :) my thanks Tania🧡

1. On COBIT’s Perceived Complexity:

Tania: Gokhan, a common theme I’ve noticed when talking to people about COBIT is its perceived complexity. They often feel overwhelmed by the idea of implementing COBIT, seeing it as a barrier. Could you help us…



Gokhan Polat ☀️

DataBulls Co-Founder I Strategy & BizDev Lead | CSA TR Board Member | Btguru Advisory Board Member | Writing on Emerging Tech & Digital Trust