You Should Not Mint Your NFT Art to Multiple Website, Here’s Why?

I made a huge mistake by minting my photographic images into multiple sites. You should not do the same mistakes and here is why I am sharing this experience with you.



NFT art collection Lech Austria
NFT art of Lech in Skiing Area in Vorarlberg Austria by Elvie Lins

I have minted a few of my photographic and GIF art into a Non-Fungible Token. NFT can be a collection or one piece of art (projects, photography, videos, painting, old coins, articles, domain names, even comment on Twitter, etc) in the form of digital assets. Meaning we cannot touch it but we see the beauty in digital form.

(Last month I have written about How you can mint without paying gas fees. In case you are curious to know if you are a first-timer with NFT)

3 Websites that I used for publishing my NFT photography art collections and these websites are The Foundation, Rarible and Opensea.




Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at