Beyond Streamlit: Databutton’s Revolution in AI App Development

Elle Neal
6 min readJun 5, 2023


🚀Discover how Databutton is transforming the landscape of AI app development, providing an all-in-one online workspace.


In the dynamic world of AI and Data Science, efficient tools and platforms can make or break the game. One of these game-changers that has recently entered the spotlight is Databutton. The all-in-one online workspace simplifies your app creation, deployment, and management process while leveraging the capabilities of its AI assistant, Databutler.

For Streamlit / Gradio / Plotly Dash / Solara (recently released package ) python frameworks : we need to open our Code-editor , test , develop locally and finally push to the cloud. On the contrary, with Databutton we can easily skip those steps. Everything powered and supported within a browser

But what is Databutton? How does it differ from Streamlit? And more importantly, how can Databutton streamline your application development workflow? Let’s delve into these questions, illuminating the path towards the future of data apps development.

Personally, I see Databutton as the next generation of app development where I can focus my energy on delivering high quality solutions with ease and step more into the creative side of AI and Data Science.

What is Databutton?

Databutton is an all-in-one online workspace designed to streamline the process of creating, deploying, and managing data apps. It comes with features like Pages, Jobs, Libraries, and Data Storage. Pages allow you to create multipage UIs for your users, Jobs enable scheduling of Python code, Libraries provide a place to write reusable code across your app, and Data Storage offers a simple put/get data store for various types of data. Databutton also includes an AI assistant called Databutler, which is built on top of OpenAI and can help with code generation and problem-solving.

Watch the video below to see Databutton in action!

What is Streamlit?

Streamlit (just like Gradio / Plotly Dash / Solara) is an open-source Python library that allows developers to create interactive web applications for machine learning and data science projects. It simplifies the process of building and deploying data apps by providing a simple framework and UI components. With Streamlit, you write Python code and it gets translated into an interactive web application. It’s designed to help developers turn data scripts into shareable web apps in a matter of minutes, without the need for front-end development expertise.

How to build a Chatbot with ChatGPT API and a Conversational Memory in Python | by Avra | Medium

What is the difference between Streamlit and Databutton?

The primary difference between the two lies in their scope and functionality. Streamlit is a tool for creating individual data apps with interactive features, whereas Databutton provides a more comprehensive platform for managing multiple aspects of data app development, deployment, and maintenance. Streamlit focuses on the front-end creation of the app, whereas Databutton offers Streamlit functionality with additional backend and AI-assisted features, making it a more robust solution for larger or more complex projects.

Databutton offers Streamlit functionality with additional backend and AI-assisted features, making it a more robust solution for larger or more complex projects.

Databutton and Streamlit Feature Comparison

How does Databutton simplify my application development workflow?

Databutton provides a suite of tools designed to streamline application development workflows. For backend development, it provides built-in data management, scheduled jobs, and reusable libraries, significantly reducing the complexity typically associated with these tasks. The creation of user interfaces is simplified through a built-in multipage UI system, pre-built page templates, and AI-assisted coding and development. This functionality reduces the need for extensive front-end development and streamlines the setup process.

Testing and debugging is facilitated by Databutton’s AI assistant, Databutler, which helps reduce the need for multiple iterations of code refinement. Deployment is also simplified, with Databutton managing versions and server setup behind the scenes, enabling you to share your application with a single click. Finally, Databutton handles server monitoring, update management, and application scaling, allowing developers to focus more on development and less on maintenance.

For a more detailed and visual understanding of how Databutton simplifies your application development workflow, please refer to the flowchart and table provided in this article. These resources offer a comprehensive comparison between traditional methods and the streamlined processes offered by Databutton.

High-Level Application Development Process
App Development Process with Databutton

Databutton Team and Community Support

One thing that makes Databutton my favourite place to build my applications is the Databutton team and thriving community of app developers and enthusiasts.

With a growing number of templates for you to pick up and create, you will always be inspired and never run out of ideas. It is a great place for new developers, analysts and data scientists to build amazing applications to impress any potential employer.

Personally, I see Databutton as the next generation of app development where I can focus my energy on delivering high quality solutions with ease and step more into the creative side of AI and Data Science.

Get inspired by what others have built with Databutton. Explore apps, see their underlying code and follow tutorials to get started. Get Inspired (

5 Awesome Features of Databutton?

(my personal favourites)

As shared in my previous article, here are some of my personal favourite features: 🚀Build and Deploy AI Apps in 5 steps -with Cohere and Databutton | by Elle Neal | Databutton | May, 2023 | Medium

Firstly, let’s explore some of the main features of Databutton that can help you as an LLM developer to quickly design, create and deploy your own AI powered application.

  1. Familiar Streamlit Framework: Databutton Pages is built on the Streamlit framework for writing graphical interfaces in Python.

2. Free Community Tier: It is perfect for applying your newly learnt LLM skills, they offer a very generous free tier for the community.

3. Collaborate, Deploy and Share: perfect for joint projects, you can quickly add collaborators, deploy tour application and share in seconds. Perfect for hackathon events and no more Github!

Share | Collaborate | Deploy

4. 🪄Databutler: In-app personal assistant driven by AI, you can discuss your code, ask to solve problems and have conversations about pretty much anything!

5. Databutlers & Community: Incredible support from the databutlers and community. They are clearly very passionate about helping people to build incredible applications and are always very open and responsive to honest feedback.

There are so many more great features such as data storage, scheduled jobs, secrets management, packages, etc. check them out here!

Version Control — we completely skip pushing our code to the github repository with Databutton. With recent massive release of Databutton, one can easily maintain and return to the previous versions intuitively. Git workflow to my knowledge has always been a difficult learning curve for lot of early stage “programmers” ( including me ) , with databutton that’s super easy (more of google-docs — like writing code experience ! ): Avra — Medium


In the ever-evolving world of AI and data science, it’s crucial to keep up with tools that can streamline our workflows and let our creativity shine. Databutton has emerged as a next-generation platform, combining the simplicity of Streamlit with enhanced features, thus offering a robust and comprehensive solution for developing, deploying, and managing data apps.

By making the development process more accessible and efficient, it empowers developers, analysts, and data scientists to focus more on the creative aspects of their projects and less on the intricacies of app management.

With the support of a growing community and the amazing Databutton team, the platform is poised to revolutionize the field. Let’s embrace this change and dive into the creative world of AI and Data Science, unlocking our potential and contributing to this transformative journey. After all, the future of app development is just a Databutton click away.



Elle Neal

AI & Data Science enthusiast, passionate STEM Ambassador teaching Lego robotics and coding to children and building AI apps for neurodiverse learners.