Football, Cricket and much more

Raghunandh GS
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2017

I come from a country where cricket players are worshipped. Football, which is considered as the game of the planet doesn’t even stand a chance before cricket in my country. Cricket players earn so much that they can afford to own football clubs. Myself being an ardent fan of football, I get pissed off when cricket players are called to promote football in a country with billion people. This blog is just an attempt to portray how the world searched for cricket and football over the years.

The worldwide search trend for football really took me off by surprise. It seems to peak during the month of September every year. A Football club season begins in the month of August every year and ends in the month of May the following year. The international competitions like World cups and Euros are hosted in months of June, July once in four years and I couldn’t find a reason why it is peaking during the month of September every year. It is as good as telling that Wednesday is the most productive day of the week, it just doesn’t make sense.

And then I suddenly got enlightened. There is this country which considers the whole world as a different country all together which drives on the right side of the road, and uses MM/DD/YYYY date format and calls a rugby-like sport as football and screws up the search trend worldwide.

Now I got the reason why the search term football is peaking every September. It is beacuse the Americal football season begins in the month of September every year. The whole seach trend for football is messed up as it refers to two different sports and now we really cannot compare cricket and football worldwide. Thanks to USA.

The Next is to filter this trend for the place which is considered to be the birth place for both of these sports, The United Kingdom.

This graph potrays the conflicting nature of both the sports beautifully. Whenever there is a peak is cricket there is a dip in football. All the peaks in cricket happen around the time of summer, as cricket is a sports which is meant to make the players stand under the Sun shines only during summer for a long period of time, which is good for health.

Then there is this country where Sun shines for almost 9 months an year and crciket seems to peak almost every other month. But with respect to football it shows a strange behaviour. There is absolutely no traces of football except for a peak in every four years(The World cup) and a small peak two years after (Euro). I can’t really undersand how these people vanish all of a sudden for the rest of the time.

If you still can’t figure out whcih country I am talking about, here is a clue.

May God bless everyone will be supporting Manchester United in the upcoming football world cup in Russia.

