Data Digest | Fall 2017

Shannon E Peifer
Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2017

As the weather gets colder, unpack your cozy sweaters along with your data analysis skills. This autumn we saw many new Data Projects and analyses published by the community, and they’re all ready for you to explore. Gather insights on fake news in Ukraine, compare the top 1000 companies’ revenue growth by state, and collaborate with others on the Scottish witchcraft Data Project. It’s time for you to harvest all this ripe data!


World Series Regular Season Winning Percentages: 1903–2016 — Year-by-year regular season wins, losses, and ties for all World Series participants


Fake News in Ukraine — Analysis and Insights highlighting the need to fight fake news in Ukraine

Viz by community member Dmytro Potekhin (@dmpo)

Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas — Changes in State Department maximum travel per diem allowances for foreign areas over time


2017 INC 5000 — Growth of the top 1000 companies, showing color-coded connections between the largest industries (by total revenue growth) and the states where those companies are located

Viz by community member Jon Vann Sprecher (@jonvann)

US County Economic Data Compiler — Reformatted and clean versions of U.S. county level data sets, with simple filtering options and an intuitive geographic display, using the R shiny dashboard


How data-driven is your organization (really)? — New research and powerful guidance to help your business get ahead of the society-shaping force of data literacy

Viz by community member Robert Batzinger (@rbatzing)

B Corp Best for the World List — Impact data of Certified B Corps that have been selected for the 2017 “Best for the World List”

Startup Venture Funding — Information about startup companies, investment, and acquisitions via Crunchbase

Small Business Lending Data — Verified loss and approved loan amount totals for both home and business disaster loans, segmented by city, county, zip code and state

Relato business graph database — Dataset used to drive both a lead generation system where metrics on the graph fed into a classification for leads and a market visualization system

Viz by the startup Relato (2015–2016)


Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) — Public US animal feeding operations data, consolidated and visualized to support of The Humane League in their efforts to improve the lives of farm animals

Interactive Tableau Visualization by Kizley Benedict

Removed Facebook Pages: Engagement Metrics and Posts — Structured tabular data, pre-viewable PDFs, and Tableau Public visualizations for 3000 posts from the five removed Facebook pages linked to the 2016 US election investigation


2015 Drug Overdose Deaths — Number and age-adjusted rates of drug overdose deaths by state, US 2015

Data Visualization by Center for Disease Control and Prevention

2018 QHP landscape data — 2018 individual and family health plans available in states where the federal government is operating the Marketplace

Navajo code talkers’ dictionary — Canonical dataset of translations and codes using Navajo words, declassified by the Department of Defense


Scottish Witchcraft — A variety of information on the almost 4,000 people who were accused of practicing witchcraft between 1563 and 1736 in Scotland

Viz by community member Noah Rippner (@nrippner)

Data Journalism on — Examples of journalists and others publishing the data behind the news

What’s on the menu? — Changes in food consumption and taste preferences according to historical menu data

Airport traffic — Annual passenger traffic for 18 of America’s busiest airports

Historical County Boundaries — DC Comprehensive Database — Complete data about the creation and all subsequent changes (dated to the day) in the size, shape, and location of every county in the fifty United States and the District of Columbia

Students Eligible for Free Meal Programs in California — Data visualizations and Insights for students receiving free meals in California

Who We Are [In Data] — Majors, schools, and career goals of aspiring data scientists on

Viz by community member Data Science Students (@ds-students)


What do I put in — A sample project to show off the different kinds of files you might want to keep in a dataset or project

Viz by community member Jon Loyens (@jonloyens)

Explore the Python SDK — iPython notebook, showing how side-by-side with Python can improve your workflow

How to add depth to your data with the US Census ACS — Resources for learning how to use US Census American Community Survey to enhance your datasets and Data Projects

Explore the R SDK — An introduction to the most handy ways you can use the R package

Six Degrees of SPARQL — A SPARQL query you can tweak to play “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” between any two actors. Try it out by replacing “John Goodman” with “Judy Garland” or another favorite actor, then hit “Run query” for a path of relationships that connects one actor to another in 6 steps

Linking to Linked Data (Anywhere) — An RDF crosswalk that shows how to query and link datasets from to Wikidata, a free RDF knowledge base

Tableau Desktop 101: Step into the Shoes of a Data Analyst — Guide, tutorial and exercises for learning basics of business data analysis and visualization with Tableau and

Expanded Inline Link Previews on — Fantastic examples of embedded content on

Stay tuned for our next Data Digest compilation! If you liked this Digest summary, we encourage you subscribe to our weekly Data Digest email and share your favorite datasets with friends, family, and data enthusiasts alike.

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