Published in
6 min readDec 27, 2023


Gemini Pro in Action: Case Studies and Success Stories”

Abstract: Let's start with Navigating the “Gemini Pro Multimodal Landscape” for different applications.

“Gemini “Multimodal AI application is a system that can analyze both text and images in tandem. This could be useful in tasks such as image captioning, where the model generates a textual description based on the content of an image.

The Gemini Pro model is capable of handling text generation and multi-turn chat conversations. Just like any other Large Language Model, the Gemini Pro can do in-context learning and can handle zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting techniques. According to the official documentation, the input token limit for the Gemini Pro LLM is 30,720 tokens and the output limit is 2048 tokens. And for the free API, Google allows up to 60 requests per minute.

The Gemini Pro Vision is a multimodal built to work on tasks that require Large Language Models to understand Images. The model takes both the Image and Text as input and generates text as output. The Gemini Pro Vision can take up to 12,288 tokens through the input and can output up to a maximum of 4096 tokens. Like the Gemini Pro, this model can even handle different prompt strategies like zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot.

Gemini API: QuickStart with Python

  1. Set up your development environment and API access to use Gemini.
  2. Generate text responses from text inputs.
  3. Generate text responses from multimodal inputs (text and images).
  4. Use Gemini for multi-turn conversations (chat).
  5. Use embeddings for large language models.


  • Python 3.9+ or 3.10 for better results.


Install the Python SDK:

! pip install -q -U google-generativeai

Import packages:

Setup your API key:

Get API key | Google AI Studio

List models:

  • gemini-pro: optimized for text-only prompts.
  • gemini-pro-vision: optimized for text-and-images prompts.

Generate text from text inputs:

model = genai.GenerativeModel(‘gemini-pro’)

Its good feature gemini have:Gemini can generate multiple possible responses for a single prompt. These possible responses are called candidates, and you can review them to select the most suitable one as the response.

chunk response

Generate text from image and text inputs:

Gemini enables you to have freeform conversations across multiple turns. The ChatSession class simplifies the process by managing the state of the conversation, so unlike with generate_content, you do not have to store the conversation history as a list.

Use embeddings:

Embedding is a technique used to represent information as a list of floating-point numbers in an array. With Gemini, you can represent text (words, sentences, and blocks of text) in a vectorized form, making it easier to compare and contrast embeddings. For example, two texts that share a similar subject matter or sentiment should have similar embeddings, which can be identified through mathematical comparison techniques such as cosine similarity. For more on how and why you should use embeddings, refer to the Embeddings guide.

Use the embed_content method to generate embeddings. The method handles embedding for the following tasks (task_type):

What’s next:

  • Prompt design is the process of creating prompts that elicit the desired response from language models. Writing well structured prompts is an essential part of ensuring accurate, high quality responses from a language model. Learn about best practices for prompt writing.
  • Gemini offers several model variations to meet the needs of different use cases, such as input types and complexity, implementations for chat or other dialog language tasks, and size constraints. Learn about the available Gemini models.
  • Gemini offers options for requesting rate limit increases. The rate limit for Gemini-Pro models is 60 requests per minute (RPM).

Applications of Multimodal in future:

  1. Healthcare:

i)Medical Imaging Analysis: Multimodal models can simultaneously analyze medical images (such as MRIs or CT scans) and textual patient records to provide more comprehensive diagnostics.

ii)Health Monitoring: Integrating data from wearable devices, like combining sensor data with patient-reported information, can enhance health monitoring systems.

2.Autonomous Vehicles:

i) Sensor Fusion: Multimodal models integrate data from various sensors, including cameras, LiDAR, and radar, to improve perception and decision-making in autonomous vehicles.

ii) Natural Language Interaction: Combining visual and auditory inputs with natural language processing enables better communication between vehicles and users.


i)Content Creation: Multimodal models can assist in generating diverse content, such as combining text and images for storytelling or creating realistic dialogue for virtual characters.

ii)Emotion Recognition: Analyzing facial expressions, voice tone, and textual sentiment together allows for more accurate emotion recognition in virtual environments.


i)Personalized Learning: Multimodal models can assess a student’s performance using data from various sources, including text-based assessments, speech interactions, and visual cues, enabling personalized learning experiences.

ii)Language Learning: Combining text, audio, and visual content can enhance language learning applications by providing a more immersive experience.


i)Visual Search: Multimodal models power visual search engines, allowing users to search for products using images rather than text.

ii)Customer Interaction: Integrating text and voice data in customer interactions enables more natural and context-aware virtual assistants or chatbots.

6. Security and Surveillance:

i) Behavior Analysis: Combining video feeds with audio and text data can improve the analysis of human behavior in security and surveillance applications.

ii) Anomaly Detection: Multimodal models can identify anomalies by considering data from different sources, such as combining visual and sensor data in critical infrastructure monitoring.


i)Fraud Detection: Multimodal models can improve fraud detection by combining transaction data, textual information, and visual cues.

ii)Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing financial news articles along with market data helps in better sentiment analysis for investment decisions.

References: 1. Building a MultiModal Chatbot with Gemini and Gradio — Analytics Vidhya

2.Google Gemini Pro LLM Model Free API Demo With Code- Is It Better Than OpenAI GPT’s? (youtube.com)

3.generative-ai-docs/site/en/tutorials/python_quickstart.ipynb at main · google/generative-ai-docs · GitHub

Conclusion: Gemini Pro Multimodal emerges as a pioneering platform that transcends traditional boundaries, offering a holistic and dynamic approach to creative expression.

From seamlessly fusing text and images to exploring the auditory dimensions through audio integration, Gemini Pro proves to be a versatile companion for those seeking to amplify their creative endeavors. Its user-friendly interface and progressive features provide a welcoming entry point for beginners, while its advanced capabilities cater to the needs of seasoned creators, making it a truly inclusive platform.

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Photo by Caleb Chen on Unsplash

