Papers Explained 2.0 : Zip-NeRF Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields

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5 min readMay 18, 2023
Source: Convex Variational Methods for Single-View and Space-Time Multi-View Reconstruction

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a recent approach in computer graphics and computer vision that uses deep neural networks to model the appearance of 3D scenes.

In NeRF, a 3D scene is represented as a continuous 5D function that maps 3D spatial coordinates and 2D viewing directions to radiance values. The function is learned by training a neural network on a set of images captured from different viewpoints of the scene. Once trained, the NeRF model can be used to generate new views of the scene from any viewpoint and with different lighting conditions.

Neural Radiance Fields. Source: Mildenhall et al.

NeRF has shown impressive results in recent years and has been used in various applications, including virtual and augmented reality, robotics, and visual effects in the film industry. However, NeRF can be computationally expensive and requires large amounts of training data, which limits its practical applications.

The research paper titled “Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields” addresses the challenges of anti-aliasing and fast training in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). While grid-based approaches have improved training speed, they often suffer from aliasing issues, resulting in jagged or missing scene content. The paper proposes Zip-NeRF, a technique that combines mip-NeRF 360 and grid-based models such as Instant NGP, to achieve lower error rates and faster training.

1. Background:

The original NeRF model used a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to map spatial coordinates to colors and densities.

1.1 Grid-Based Approaches:

To accelerate NeRF training, grid-based approaches like Instant NGP (iNGP) have been introduced. These methods use a pyramid of grids to construct learned features processed by a smaller MLP, resulting in faster training compared to the original NeRF model.

2. Challenges of Aliasing:

2.1 Aliasing in NeRF:

The original NeRF model suffers from aliasing issues due to its point-wise reasoning along rays, resulting in jagged renderings and limitations in scale understanding.

2.2 Mip-NeRF 360:

Mip-NeRF 360 addressed the aliasing problem by using cones instead of rays and featurizing the entire volume within a conical frustum. However, it is not compatible with current grid-based techniques. This is because mip-NeRF’s antialiasing strategy depends critically on the use of positional encoding to featurize a conical frustum into a discrete feature vector, but current grid-based approaches do not use positional encoding, and instead use learned features that are obtained by interpolating into a hierarchy of grids at a single 3D coordinate.

A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields. Source: Jonathan T. Barron et al.

3. Introducing Zip-NeRF:

3.1 Integration of iNGP and mip-NeRF 360:

The paper proposes Zip-NeRF, which combines ideas from multisampling, signal processing, and statistics to integrate the grid-based approach of iNGP into mip-NeRF 360’s framework. This integration improves error rates and reduces training time compared to previous techniques.

3.2 Spatial Anti-Aliasing:

To address aliasing in grid-based approaches, the paper introduces a spatial anti-aliasing technique using multisampling and feature-down weighting. Isotropic Gaussians are used to approximate the shape of conical frustums, and down weighting is applied to reduce aliasing at high frequencies.

4. Resolving Z-Aliasing:

Though the multisampling and down-weighting approach is an effective way to reduce spatial aliasing, there is an additional source of aliasing along the ray called z-aliasing.

4.1 Z-Aliasing in mip-NeRF 360:

The proposed MLP used in mip-NeRF 360 tends to learn a non-smooth mapping, leading to z-aliasing artifacts where scene content is skipped, especially during camera translations along the z-axis.

4.2 Proposal Supervision:

To overcome z-aliasing, the paper proposes an alternative loss function that provides continuous and smooth supervision for the proposed network. Unlike mip-NeRF 360’s interlevel loss, this new loss is more effective in reducing z-aliasing artifacts.


The proposed Zip-NeRF technique combines the strengths of grid-based approaches and mip-NeRF 360 to achieve improved anti-aliasing and faster training in NeRF models. It demonstrates lower error rates that are 8% — 76% lower than prior techniques, while also training 22x faster than mip-NeRF 360, making it a promising solution for the high-quality rendering of 3D scenes.

Key takeaway:

The proposed advancement in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), as described in the research paper has several potential applications and can be implemented in the following areas:

Photo by Laurens Derks on Unsplash

Computer Graphics and Animation: Zip-NeRF offers improved rendering capabilities for computer-generated graphics and animation. Its anti-aliasing techniques enhance the quality of 3D scene renderings, resulting in more realistic and visually appealing graphics. This can benefit industries such as game development, virtual reality (VR), and visual effects (VFX) in movies.

View Synthesis and Virtual Cameras: NeRF models are commonly used for view synthesis, where new camera viewpoints can be generated from existing scene information. By reducing aliasing artifacts and improving accuracy, Zip-NeRF enables better view synthesis, making it useful for applications like virtual tours, augmented reality (AR), and virtual camera systems.

Generative Media and Computational Photography: The enhanced capabilities of Zip-NeRF can be leveraged in generative media applications, such as generating novel 3D scenes or objects based on learned representations. It can also improve computational photography techniques by providing high-quality rendering and anti-aliasing, leading to better image-based lighting, scene reconstruction, and depth estimation.

Robotics and Simulations: NeRF models find applications in robotics and simulations for scene understanding and interaction. The advancements introduced by Zip-NeRF can benefit these areas by enabling more accurate and detailed representations of 3D environments. This can enhance robot perception, planning, and control, as well as simulation-based training and testing.

Medical Imaging and Scientific Visualization: In medical imaging, Zip-NeRF can contribute to improved volumetric visualization and analysis of medical data, aiding in tasks such as organ segmentation, tumor detection, and surgical planning. Additionally, it can enhance scientific visualization techniques, enabling researchers to visualize complex scientific data in a more realistic and immersive manner.

That’s a wrap! Thanks for reading!…

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Content Creator & Data Scientist. Interested in gaining and sharing knowledge on Artificial Intelligence. Currently @Bengaluru, India