A Data Analysis Article Analyzing My Data Analysis Articles

This is my fifth article here on medium about data analytics, and I must say it’s my most meta yet


I was looking at my readership stats and noticed a trend. Here is a list of my previous articles in descending order of minutes it takes to read:

I then looked a few columns to the right and immediately the inverse relationship jumped out at me. So in an effort to increase my Read Ratio (somebody stop me — I keep doing meta things like linking the text “Read Ratio” in my Medium.com article to a Medium.com article about Read ratios), I’ll just end this article right here.

So did my hypothesis work? (Decreasing the amount of time it takes to read article increases the Read Ratio)
Success! LOL. Yes I know I have grayed out the total number of views. No, it is not just 1 total view :)

