Bitcoin is acting as the New hedge against the Global Liquidity Risk

5 Charts showing the emerging role of Bitcoin as a hedge in the 21st Century

Published in
7 min readJun 22, 2019


What a relentless recovery has the Crypto kingpin Bitcoin staged in the past 10 weeks or so as it finally broke the all-important $10K psychological level, last seen in Mar. 2018. Not only that, the FOMO (Fear of missing out) factor that many analysts had predicted might already have kicked in as BTC crossed $11K within less than 24 hours of hitting the psychological level! Whatever the reason for this Power boost — FOMO, Facebook’s Libra or just the good old fashioned hedging of market risks, Bitcoin is poised to climb even higher.

Having said that, the bullish move in Bitcoin & the Alt.coins has a little more solid footing than the last ‘crazy chase’ that we saw to the top in December 2017. Maturing of technology, upgrades around the Bitcoin & Alt. coin networks, bargain prices, better understanding & increased adoption have all combined to shape this bull run.

The biggest role has been played by institutional investors who have taken advantage of the bargain prices to accumulate digital assets — volume of BTC on-chain transactions has more than tripled than a year earlier, hash rate has hit an all-time high (65.19 trillion hashes per second — Figure…




A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more