Crypto Diaries: Blockchain Upgrades & Trading Innovations

Interoperability, Scalability & Standards being addressed in blockchains while Innovative digital Trading products continue to emerge

Faisal Khan
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2019


The past week saw the Cryptos reaching new highs as the recovery from the lows of Dec. 2018 continued. Leading the pack was the kingpin Bitcoin itself which has soared by a whopping 150% so far this year. In their short history, Cryptocurrencies have always followed some weird price movements with periods of lull followed by heightened volatility. This recent price action is a classic example of that — after sideways trading of about 6 months, Bitcoin came alive in April followed by a similar move in the Alt. coins as well.

I wrote earlier about some of the factors contributing to the recent bull run, but here is a nice infographic summarizing the action so far this year. The infographic talks about mainstream adoption and the improvements in the emerging DLT as one of the possible factors behind this move, so I decided to look at some of the recent major developments.

Hyperledger’s Interoperability



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more