Pros & Cons of Digital Platforms

Comparing different Crypto platform

Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2018


Ethereum has acted as Ground zero for the ICO projects to be offered to the general public and the vast majority of over 90% token emissions still occur on the basis of the Ethereum platform. However, with the rapid development of the Blockchain ecosystem recently, new entrants in the platform arena are going to challenge its supremacy in the coming weeks & months. We are already beginning to see projects being launched on promising platforms like NEO, NEM, Stellar, and Waves.

ETHEREUM — Release date July 30, 2015 (most popular platform; second most popular Crypto)


  • Can host ICOs: Simple & quick launch of your digital coins based on the native ERC 20 tokens which are widely accepted & used as standard. You will, however, have to program your digital tokens with the functionality you want them to perform.
  • Global benchmark: Ethereum is the biggest blockchain infrastructure at
    the moment with a vibrant & skillful development team that continues to strive to improve scalability, security & functionality of the platform (e.g Casper, Sharding).



A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more