The Bitcoin Cash Civil War now embroils Crypto Exchanges

The offshoot of Bitcoin is splitting again with a huge controversy

Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2019


If there is one thing I love about the Cryptoverse is that it is always buzzing with something new, interesting or controversial and today’s edition of my Crypto Diaries is no different. Back in November 2018, the offshoot of crypto kingpin Bitcoin (BTC) underwent a controversial hard fork when the BCH community split into BCH ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap) & BCH SV (Satoshi Vision) — keep in mind that BCH was a result of a Bitcoin hard fork itself in August 2017 & also has undergone another hard fork in May 2018 — For a little backdrop on the hard fork that happened six months ago, read this piece.

The hash war between the two off-shoots of BCH has been going on ever since but it has taken a new twist with the delisting of BSV from multiple exchanges most recently. Will come back to that shortly, here’s a detailed map of all the Bitcoin forks ever since its creation.

It was pretty evident from the get-go that this hard work is going to create a division in the Crypto community as is the case with most of the hard forks…



A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more