UXDB : Introducing the Generative “Dode”

“Persistence” non-existent

Lesang Dikgole


When one has generative “data” that is “formalized” by code, we might have very well produced a new form, and called it a DODE!

Non-existent Data

Attempts to “search”, “find” and “locate” data have hitherto had a heavier dependence on persistence.

The idea of persistent data is admirable. But it is, once again, too predicated on the “garbage in — garbage out” paradigm.

Presumably, we humans apparently have the incredible ability to “produce” garbage. Which, then implies, that one requires “superior skills” to use the computer.

It is a damning request then, to ask the human to “persist” the data before “locating” the same data. If the data was garbage, then it is still garbage. If the data was unlike garbage, then, it is still, weirdly, unlike garbage; unless, of course, the data becomes stolen or corrupted by malicious programs or agents. It remains to be “uncovered” what the resolution to this latter problem shall be.

There have been various proposals, debates, and suggestions on the idea and roles of using “agents” on computers. Steve Jobs, ostensibly, refused to believe that computers can become fully capable agents. This can also be seen as a remarkable departure from the first release of the Macintosh, which had elaborate “agent” programs, not just in terms of the graphical user interface, but also in terms of “computer-generated” (audio) greetings during computer startup.

It is clear that “agent-driven” driven computing has suffered a deadly and “persistent” blow. Even recent attempts to revive “AI” are foolhardy and doomed. It has been truly exhausting for engineers to “take on” the task of agency in computing.

The first obvious reason for the avoidance of the heavy task of “agency” computing is that there is no ostensible market for it. It not only looks like this form of computing will replace human agency but it could also potentially make humans lazier. Ergo, the “sales” strategy for agent computing is dark and indeterminately broken. (Except if you use the term SaaS!!!)

The second reason for the avoidance of this unenviable task is that there are some broken “tools” and paradigms within modern computing that would have to be “re-built” from the ground-up: from the hardware all the way to the UI! Hitherto, these paradigms have been largely taken on by the video gaming console industry. Sadly, gaming has only proven the naysayers of agent computing right: that “agent” computers are here to kill human productivity.

Therein lies the truth!

That is if gaming can “improve” and “promote” both the human and the computer as “agents”; if indeed gaming can become a multi-billion-dollar industry, then what is the problem?

It is not at all true that “gaming” is a wasteful project. It is not even true that gaming is only for kids or for bored adults. Gaming is for the true, the playful, the imperfect, the ever trying, the ever flawed, the ever-improving, the ever-ambitious, the ever determined, the ever daring, and the ever-persistent!

The concept of the “dode” is immensely useful within “agent” computing. You need the initial dode to learn and to adapt its information. The dode, essentially, is the smallest unit of computer agency. The dode, however, unlike in gaming, can serve its use in production. It can help computer users, as “learning” agents to “fill in” the right information. Hack! The dode, might even even help the user to “find” the information he didn’t know he was looking for…

But this requires an intensive re-look at the entire process of computation.

As they say, “the world is not made of atoms, it is made of little stories…

UXDB: the Generative Dode

