What is the Dandelion privacy protocol?

A new Privacy feature for Bitcoin blockchain

Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2018


Privacy has been one of the biggest hallmarks of the Cryptocurrency transactions on their blockchains. Ironically though, it has also been one of the most controversial features when it comes to monitoring such transactions by the regulatory authorities.

The global financial regulators have been critical of the point that some of the privacy-centric coins (Monero, Zcash etc.) can give the Con men of the digital world the opportunity to launder money & use it for other black market activities. For a common man though, the privacy of these transactions is one of the most enticing features since it keeps their identity anonymous.

Bitcoin is the pioneer of the Cryptocurrency movement signified by the peer-to-peer anonymous digital transactions. To improve the privacy of the bitcoin transactions, Dandelion Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) was published in June 2017 by Giulia Fanti (Assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University) with the backing of the Zcash adviser Andrew Miller (University of Illinois Assistant Professor). Project Dandelion is a simple network layering solution that can be seamlessly integrated with the current blockchain networks.




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