Creating a local environment to develop on AWS CDK using Docker and VSCode

Carlos Alberto Rocha Cardoso
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2021


Containers are humanity’s greatest invention after the transistor, and anyone who disagrees is wrong. They make life easier, which even complicates. When you realize, you’re already finding an excuse to use it where you shouldn’t.

Exaggerations aside, I think that is not the case here. I intend to show in this brief tutorial how to use them to create a local environment ready to develop your apps and stacks based on AWS CDK — Cloud Development Kit. We are not going to create the resources on AWS. That is not the goal. We will prepare the environment to start your development.


Anchored in the concept of infrastructure as code (IaC), the AWS CDK allows you to create resources in the AWS cloud, using languages ​​such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C #, or TypeScript. If you already use CloudFormation or Terraform, it’s worth checking out and adding to your toolbox.

Recently collaborating on data lakes implementation projects in the AWS cloud, I have been using the CDK as an IaC tool to automate the creation of resources and environment, whether in roles, jobs glue, or lake formation configurations creation. I can’t imagine a life doing it manually on the console.



Carlos Alberto Rocha Cardoso

Data professional, enjoying the journey of the life, the universe and everything.