Company History

Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2018


This is the quintessential question that lead to the creation of DenDen in 2015, which interestingly happens to be the brain-child of Charly & Billy Pham, graduates of prestigious French schools.

While studying the Global Financial markets in-depth, they noticed a huge gap between the data that is delivered to maps and how they are generated. They quickly came to conclusion that Crowdsourcing was the answer. Shortly after DenDen was created, the team had raised funds from angel investors in order to create the tool that would allow the collection of physical stores. A few months later, the first version of the app was launched.

In September 2016, DenDen secured a second round of funding (expanding towards Barcelona, London, Paris) to test the scalability of its model. DenDen quickly validated the effectiveness of its data model by signing its first contract.

Shortly after, DenDen wanted to introduce tokens to its platform as part of the remuneration of collectors. These tokens would ease two main constraints:

◉ cut transaction fees,
◉ reach collectors who might not have a bank account.

In September 2017, Charly and Billy forayed into the Blockchain arena, believing that their venture could also respond to a constraint that affects all market players: transparency of the physical data generation.

Michael Trajkovic (CPO / CMO), Charly Pham (CEO) & Billy Pham (COO) of Dataeum

The idea to integrate the data fetching process to the blockchain began to take shape. It would resolve various market constraints and further provide means for the model to expand globally. This led to the birth of the Dataeum project.

Dataeum was therefore created with the aim of enforcing in today’s digital world the first ever decentralized and collaborative real world data generation network, where humans would be the center of their decentralized network.



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies