Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2018


Based on blockchain, Dataeum launches the first collaborative application for “physical data” collection, that will be made available on a marketplace open to all. In a win-win system between collectors and buyers, Dataeum provides a circular economy, fully transparent thanks to the blockchain.

Dataeum will allow every individual to be paid to collect informations of elements around him such as physical data (locations, opening hours of shops, museums, schools, street signs…). They will be paid for what they produce, and the use of the data will no longer be made without their knowledge by the major data companies.

BtoB market players will have full access to a large range of data with high degree of reliability, in a decentralized marketplace.

At a time of personnel security scandals (Facebook and Cambridge analytica, Under Armour…), Dataeum offers a transparent and ethical platform, where the traceability and immutability of data collected are ensured by Blockchain technology and smart contracts. Collectors and buyers will now be put in contact without intermediaries.

To enable the scalability of the development and complete its mission, Dataeum is launching an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) starting August 20, 2018.

Generate 100% of the real world informations through crowdsourcing

Without even knowing it, each of us is collection data through our smartphones and applications with our actions, movements, and online behaviours, this in favour of tech giants. The value of data escapes completely to the one who creates it. Dataeum wants to democratize this market so that each of us becomes aware of this value, and can finally be paid for the data he generates. Dataeum will put humans at the center of data generation thanks to a very user-friendly application.

A booming market

Data represents a gold mine to private corporations and governments. Its market is estimated at 3 trillion dollars, and considered as many as “the new oil”. Maps market plays a big role in this number. Google maps alone has more than 1.4 billion users yearly and is the 4th most used app today.

These online maps cannot exist without the data they have and that make their services useful for the users. Nevertheless, this data that feed maps is often raw, unqualified and hard to find. Today, 70% of the physical data is missing on maps. Dataeum wants to fill these gaps, and significantly change this ecosystem.

The merging of this mass of information with its market

Dataeum’s model is based on the making available this mass of information (collected by individuals, certified by the blockchain) to market players that need qualified data. Through a decentralized marketplace, the buyer and collector will be in direct contact. Backed by the blockchain and Smart Contract technology, the collaborative and decentralized application for data generation (collection, verification and update) allows Dataeum to provide a data with unmatched quality and reliability.


Data collectors are paid in “XDT” tokens,the cryptocurrency created by Dataeum. They payment will be made following many criterias including the data status, its collection, verification, update, localization…
Data then enter into the blockchain and into a decentralized marketplace where it is made available to all market players (maps, companies doing BtoB, institutions…). They acquire data in “XDT” tokens as well.


Dataeum wishes to scale its collection of physical data all around the world and accelerate the development of its decentralized marketplace.

Dataeum will issue “XDT” Tokens during its ICO, based on Ethereum under the standard ERC20.

Moyen de paiement : Ether (ETH) / Bitcoin (BTC) / Monnaie-fiat

  • Number of tokens created: 1 000 000 000
  • Number of tokens issued: 500 000 000
  • Token price: 1 ETH (Ether) = 12000 XDT
  • Hard cap: 35 000 ETH
  • TGE (Token Generation Event) will be available according to the following schedule:

- July 2 to August 5, 2018: Pre Sale

- August 20 to September 30, 2018: Public Sale


**source Nielsen



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies