Dataeum Use Case #1

Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

To better understand the entire range of possibilities that Dataeum provides, we are doing a series of Use Cases that are going to give a non-exhaustive set of examples, and here’s the first one.

Mapping Communal Water Points

Access to clean drinking water is considered a basic human right, however not all communities in the world have easy access to this facility. Challenges may range anywhere from lack of resources and availability of water to lack of adequate infrastructure among many such issues.

Crowdsourcing and blockchain are two very powerful tools that can be used to boost efforts aimed at securing the human right to water. Dataeum, a data sourcing, verification and securing company, has a platform that can enhance efforts of authorities engaged in facilitating clean water for communities.

Dataeum would be able to help local authorities to improve their mapping system by engaging data collectors from the community. The data collectors would use an app on their smart phones to capture images of water points in their community. To verify all images collected, each collector has a second collector taking a similar image to validate the data.

The information that can be gathered would include the location of water points, what state the water points are in, if people are using the water point and so on. This information can be shared among communities, via SMS for example, so they are always aware what is happening at their water points.

To maintain a sustainable water supply system regular monitoring is required. If, for example an issue is reported, it would be simple for the local authority to verify the problem and formulate the correct response before going into the field. If a burst water pipe was reported, through Dataeum, the authority would be able to review the problem and understand what solution to use before sending out a repair team.

The system of keeping verified data secure and constantly updated relies on the data collectors, who are tasked accordingly to a project requirement. The data collectors earn rewards in XDT Tokens for their role. Afterwards, their data enters Dataeum’s decentralized market, where if another entity requires the same data, they are able to access it for payment. Through Data Ownership Exploitation agreements, collectors would also be rewarded for their data being licensed to a third party through Dataeum. The data could be used for market studies, historical records, B2B applications and many other functions.

Dataeum’s democratization of data through a blockchain backed open market has many practical applications. Helping communities to secure a basic human right of access to water is just one of many such applications. Through Dataeum, communities can also be empowered to maintain their resources and make additional income from their data.



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