Dataeum x Action contre La Faim

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3 min readSep 6, 2018

Dataeum allows everyone to collect data on the field and obtain rewards for its collection. As part of its development, we explore all areas of crowdsourcing application. Indeed, these data collected are extremely useful for geolocation services, but Dataeum is not limited to that, ultimately extending to sectors we had not imagined (i.e. humanitarian).

Over the course of various meetings, the latest with Lucie Codiasse, director of communication at Action contre La Faim (Action Against Hunger), we entered the exploratory phase to better understand the issues of this association. Around 800,000 people suffer from hunger worldwide, and Action contre La Faim fights against it every day. Its mission is to eliminate hunger and save lives through prevention, detection and treatment of undernutrition, especially during and after emergencies related to armed conflict and natural disasters.

The association has many areas of expertise. Some examples: monitoring the population’s health in a given area, controlling agriculture, rebuilding infrastructure in conflict zones (health centres, water networks, etc.).

Official ACLF logo

Thanks to crowdsourcing, and based on local population, local partners, or members of the association, Dataeum can collect any type of information. For example: the location of check-points in sensitive areas, places in need of food and medicines following population surveillance, water points, road conditions, shops still existing, infrastructure… All this can finally be put on map, making access to this information very easy.

The idea for Dataeum is to offer the association a tool to observe precisely what is happening in the field, thanks to individuals with sometimes very limited technological means (a smartphone is necessary). The technology, combined with a community of data collectors, will make it possible to cover thousands of kilometers and extract the most useful information, which will instantly get written to blockchain and become available to all, unalterable and transparent.

“Dataeum is a real revolution in the digital and blockchain world because it makes it possible to put the human back at the centre of data generation. But we didn’t want to stop there. Crowdsourcing has infinite possibilities because today we realize that a large amount of information can only be collected thanks to us, individuals. And that is the case here. The territories concerned are difficult to access, with many restrictions, and there is little access to information. We can help the local population by allowing them to be rewarded each time they collect the requested data, but also help them on a much larger scale by becoming the single platform listing all the information that is collected in the field.

Now it is up to us to adapt and build the simplest and most appropriate tool for the very specific problems of all these humanitarian associations. This is an extremely exciting challenge that we look forward to meeting.”

Billy Pham — COO of Dataeum

“Action contre La Faim aims to create a global movement against hunger in which everyone can be an actor. In Europe but also in countries of intervention: Iraq, Ivory Coast, Guatemala… Technological innovations such as Dataeum open a new way: offering populations the means to act directly for their protection and survival by creating the data, the information they witness on a daily basis. We are currently exploring with Dataeum all options to enable us to act even more effectively.”

Lucie Codiasse — Deputy Director of Communication Action contre La Faim



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