Dataeum: YouTube

Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2018

How many crypto and ICO-related YouTube videos have you seen? How many of them have been helpful? Obviously, not all of them. But if done right, a video can be an amazing source of information, especially for the newcomers. We searched through YouTube and found several that could help you get to know the idea behind Dataeum and the future ahead of it.

This one is really thorough — good people over at the Crypto Global News Team did their best to assess Dataeum’s capabilities and presented them in a rather understandable and easy manner.

Mr. Donnyboy8 has done not one, but two videos about Dataeum, where he goes through every major aspect of the platform. Totally worth checking out if you’re looking for a proper demonstration.

If you happen to know Russian, this one is pretty intriguing. Nice montage and overall feeling, not to mention a smooth female voice behind the screen. Comes in 2 parts as well.

We were happy to find out there are lots and lots of videos about Dataeum. You can definitely check these out if you feel like you need some independent analysis. And feel free to look for more! Chances are, you’ll even find something in your native language.

Do you know some other good videos we overlooked? Don’t hesitate to share them with us!



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