F.A.Q., Part III

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018

— What does Dataeum bring to the world?

Nowadays, data’s value is controlled by large corporations that are using humans to generate it by their actions, movements and behaviors. So Dataeum will disrupt the existing paradigm so that data will no longer be exploited at the expense of individuals who create it.

Dataeum’s crowdsourcing based solution is the only one able to reach 100% of any data. Its decentralized process enables the verification of 100% of the data collected. This will answer to the current lack of accuracy of physical data available on online listing.

Finally, Dataeum will democratize access to physical data throughout its Marketplace allowing anyone to interact with, for data consultation or use.

— What does it bring to the market?

Dataeum brings a solution that is able to generate reliable data on a market suffering from the lack of accuracy and harvesting regarding the physical data :

  • at 70% of the physical data over the world are missing from online listings (maps and other online directories, website, etc)
  • at least 50% of the retailers in the US display inconsistent or missing informations on online listings
  • only 8% of the PIN placement are correct on Facebook.

Dataeum is first of all the only solution able to gather 100% of all global physical data. As well, its solution using crowdsourcing linked to the blockchain make it possible to verify 100% of the data gathered. Market player that are acquiring data will get access to the first reliable source of the market and physical data will increase their visibility as their informations will be accurate.

— Is Dataeum concerned by the GDPR and compliant with it?

The General Data Protection Regulation is a European Regulation that took effect on May 25, 2018. The Regulation aims to protect the privacy of all individuals of the European Union. The GDPR gives control back to citizens regarding their personal data. The sanctions set by the Regulation for non-compliance with it will concern any company in the world dealing with European citizens’ personal data. Besides that, the GDPR establishes several rights: to be informed, to access, to modify, to erase data etc..

But the point is, the GDPR applies to personal data only. Dataeum is dealing with the physical data generation, not personal. Therefore, the Regulation basically doesn’t apply to the blockchain-based activity of the platform.

— What is the impact of GDPR on the blockchain?

The blockchain, by definition, is immutable. And that’s why it comes into conflict with some of the rights established in the GDPR, especially the right to erase the data. But we would be facing a potential issue if personal data was stored in the blockchain. Which it isn’t.

— Isn’t that too much taking the current market situation into account?

Dataeum will create a worldwide community throughout a profitable and proven data generation solution. So because of the current trend of the market, investing in a high potential solution makes sense to maximize profits. This amount will enable fast global expansion of the model and its mass adoption.

Have a great week, folks. Your F.A.Q will return next Monday, just keep an eye on the chat here: https://t.me/dataeum



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