F.A.Q., Part VIII

Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2018

— Will therу be any kind of ranking within the system? Or all the users will be remunerated equally?

There will be no specific ranks, but each collector will have his individual “quality score”. Therefore, the more data have you collected and verified correctly, the higher your “quality score” will be and you will then be able to acquire tokens more quickly because of your level of “trust” and increase the remuneration part.

— How will the community evolve?

Starting by the collection of physical data, the community will be extended to different functionalities, allowing to interact with other market players and the physical store. The data collection will be also extended to any flow data: data constantly produced by users actions and behaviors. As for the physical data, users will be able to get rewarded for the exploitation of the flow data.

Additionally, the evolution of the community as a crowdsourcing reference will allow users to interact between them: using the platform, users will have the possibility to offer their services to the community or get access to services proposed by other members.

— Is there any interaction between community and the physical stores collected?

Dataeum will offer to each physical store the possibility to reach directly the community. Large and global, the community represents a high qualified source of potential customers. Based on a dedicated platform, physical stores will have the possibility to set promotional offers and discounts that will be offered to the community members. On the other side, members of the community will have access to local discounts.

— What is the purpose of the Dataeum Marketplace?

The Dataeum decentralized marketplace aims to democratize access to all physical data in the world (stores, gas stations, ATMs, monuments, road signs, etc.)

— What are the Marketplace functionalities?

Directly linked to the blockchain where validated data are stored, Dataeum’s Decentralized Marketplace will offer XDT token holders different type of functionalities:

  • Licensing of the data for use and exploitation: from the interface, each player will be able to reach and use targeted data, downloading it or using the API.
  • Acquisition of the data ownership of exploitation (DOE): this function allows any token holder to acquire the exploitation ownership of a physical data to get retributed on all of the income it generates.



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies