F.A.Q., Part XVI

Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

— In the dashboard on the website it says, “If you want to participate, please contact us”. What does it mean?

You'll need to reach out to the team to express your interest in the private sale. If you're interested in the presale or crowdsale, however, the dates are October 1st and November 5th respectively.

— How many tokens have been sold to date? Is there a way to deduce the volume of XDT tokens being purchased or how many tokens are still left?

Right now we are still in private sale and these figures have not yet been released. Typically in token sale projects, information about the progress on the sale is released once we are about halfway through the public sale stage. You will be updated on that if you keep following our news.

— Can I expect to see your company at any event in the upcoming months? I would like to meet the team and hear the pitch before investing.

The team is getting their roadshow planned, you will find out the details soon enough.

— Is the airdrop live?

Still no airdrop, we’re afraid.

— Will you have referral programs?

There are no such plans at the moment.

— I have a question about monetization. You say that those who postpone the collection of physical data receive rewards for the fact that companies and businesses can receive such tokens and awards, not counting the data collection? If they can, of course.

Those who initiate the data collection will obtain 70% of the collection value! The second collector who verifies the data will receive the remaining 30%. Collectors will continue to receive rewards on data they have collected, however the data will depreciate in value and accuracy over time. You can read more about this and see an example on page 14 and 15 of the whitepaper: https://dataeum.io/white-paper.pdf

— What aspects of development do you see in the future?

You can check out the latest screenshots of the Dataeum app (beta version 2.0) here: https://t.me/Dataeum_News/196 or simply have a look at our roadmap: https://www.dataeum.io/#roadmap

Stay tuned for more updates in the future :)



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies