Funds Usage

Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2018

We’re sure you know that the main purpose of the ICO is attracting investments.

Every company has their own way of using collected funds to continue the development and support of their project.

Dataeum's funding will contribute to the following areas:

Platform development (45%)

  • Consolidation of the collection platform and extension of the collection to all kinds of physical data
  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence, image recognition technology and augmented reality features within the collection app
  • Integration of XDT Tokens in the data collection and acquisition workflows
  • Deployment of the data Marketplace and its API
  • R & D and blockchain implementation
  • Integration of an Exchange feature in the app and in the marketplace
  • Development and implementation of the Data Ownership Exploitation (DOE) feature
  • Development and implementation of the app, marketplace and blockchain related elements, of the following solutions: flow data, merchant interactions, community role extension and member to member interactions
  • Integration of other decentralized platforms, offering additional functionalities (NaviAdress, Connectjob, DomRaider, Foam etc.)

Operational development and data collection financing (25%)

  • Operational team development
  • Data collection financing to create and build an Ecosystem around the model
  • Legal compliance

Marketing and communication (20%)

  • Coordination of collection campaigns: online and offline advertising
  • Communication with the community: relation improvement, meetings, conferences, creative media

OPEX and other expenses (10%)

  • Administrative expenses, legal opinions, subsidiary establishment
  • Bug bounty program



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies