Save The Date

Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2018

Dear Community,

We’d like to share with you an update about your favorite ICO project, Dataeum!

Over the last three months, the team has worked hard to reach the biggest investors over the world and link partnerships with the top market players, both in the crypto and digital sphere.

On the investment side, the project is now supported by several financial partners, such as: Shibumi Crypto Capital Digital Asset Fund, Icora, VentureICO and Crypto Global Capital. Others are currently assessing the project or proceeding to due diligence.

On the technical side, the solution is also improving. The release of the data collection app should take place in the next few weeks. It will enable data collection with rewards in XDT and will be available all over the world. To support the solution, new partnerships will be announced to complete those we already announced, such as Naviaddress. Among them, Nucypher, that will enable a higher level of security regarding the data by providing an decentralized encryption solution, or Bancor, with whom we have already agreed for a pre-listing of the XDT tokens on its exchange.

On the business development side, projects of data collection campaigns in many cities start to be planned, in partnership with the biggest data market players. But also for the most sensible areas in the world to help our partner, the NGO Action Against Hunger, to get access to all medical, emergency or water source points.

Despite the current market trend, Dataeum belongs to those projects in which VC & crypto funds are willing to support. This is mainly thanks to several characteristics such as its strong business model that ensures sustainability to the solution, its scalability and its proven efficiency, or its token metrics bringing a model with a very high volume of transaction.

As times are changing, the investment process is also taking longer due to a deeper due diligence process. And that’s why, in the meantime, the team is moving ahead in order to get as much elements as possible to present you during the roadshow that will be realized all over the world.

For the reasons exposed, we have decided to move the date of the public sale. We know that many of you were waiting for it in order to finally contribute and we do understand that some might be frustrated. But this decision was taken by the team for the good of the project and to bring Dataeum to the success it deserves. In the meantime, please keep in mind that you still have the possibility to participate during the private sale by contacting us directly.

The Public Pre-Sale will start on the 21st of January 2019, and the Public sale on the 4th of March, to end on the 7th of April.

Lastly, we’d like to thank you again for your support in this project and all of the beautiful comments shared daily on our different media. Your support gives us a lot of force.

© Team Dataeum



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Dataeum : Human as the Backbone of Data - ICO coming soon - #Data #ICO #Crypto #Blockchain #Smartcontract #crowdsourcing - Rehumanizing technologies