Understanding Python List Comprehensions

A Gordon
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2018

Coming to Python from other programming languages, I struggled at first to decipher list comprehensions.

List comprehensions let you turn these three lines of code:

into this:

Well, it’s certainly shorter but it can also be a bit overwhelming to process at first. How exactly do I interpret all of the different occurrences of thing(s) in that line??

Breaking down the creation of List Comprehensions

Let’s say you have a list of prices and want to find the cheap prices (under $10)

things=[10.34,98.45,78.56, 5.43,100.5, 4]

If you’re comfortable with For Loops, you could easily build out this logic:

for thing in things:
if thing < 10:
>> [5.43, 4]

But how do you turn that into a list comprehension? Once someone showed the following approach, it suddenly made sense to me. So, here we go…

  • Create an empty list: []
  • Create the basic For Loop inside those brackets
[for thing in things]
  • Put the action you want to take BEFORE the For Loop. In this case, we want to grab the value of thing (one price in our list)
[thing for thing in things]
  • If you want to put any conditions or restrictions on what elements of the list are grabbed/acted on, put those conditions AFTER the for loop (we only want to grab the price IF it is less than $10)
cheap_things=[thing for thing in things if thing < 10]
  • Finally, you’ve now created a new list and so you need to assign it to something (save it to our cheap_things list)
cheap_things=[thing for thing in things if thing < 10]
>> [5.43, 4]

Putting it all together, the pieces slide around like so:

