Learning to Program with DataFire

Bobby Brennan
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2016

Programming is HARD - at least that’s the impression most non-programmers have. In reality, it’s not much harder than using a spreadsheet, at least with the right tools.

Programming on DataFire is a great way to start learning. DataFire allows you to create Dataflow - scripts that talk to services you care about, like Gmail, Salesforce, and Slack. Dataflow range from stupid simple (like emailing yourself the news) to incrediblty complex (like generating reports from databases). Wherever you are on the learning curve, you can find a challenge. Even better, you’re able to code things that have an impact on your day-to-day life.

We’ll make a series of posts here that will slowly introduce all the concepts involved in creating Dataflows, with a new programming challenge in each lesson. Stay Tuned!

Lesson #1: JavaScript - The Basics

Lesson #2: Working with APIs

Lesson #3: Creating New Links

Lesson #4: Functional Programming

Lesson #5: Tips and Tricks



Bobby Brennan

I’m a Software Engineer, specializing in Dev Tools, NLP, and Machine Learning