Python puts on a great show despite being slow

Why is slowness not a big issue for Python programmers?

Rinu Gour
4 min readJun 4, 2020


According to a ranking published by the analyst firm RedMonk, Python climbed from third place to second in the latest ranking of programming language popularity.”


Python has come a long way from the day it was authored and since then, it is constantly witnessing an unbelievable growth both in terms of popularity and performance. It has become the fastest-growing programming language on the planet, leaving behind all the other programming languages.

Python, evidencing an improbable growth despite being slow, has always remained the talk of the town. It has always been a point of thought as to what led it to such a scenario.

Top Python Projects that will take your skills to a whole new level

So here’s unveiling all the significant reasons behind the progressive growth of Python.

Python’s pretty because of its Simplicity

Incredible simplicity in terms of usage & learning is probably one of the primary reasons for the growing popularity of Python. Its syntax is more simple than complicated, which enables even amateurs to read and understand it easily.

The essence of Python Programming

Python codes can be written and executed much faster than any other programming language due to its ease of usage. Convenience in learning has been another reason for attraction of programmers towards Python.

Huge & Supportive Python Community for all your uncertainties

It’s almost been 30 years since Python was introduced for the first time. Such span of time is enough for any programming language to flourish largely and support developers from beginners to expert levels.

Be a part of the Most Wanted Community in the world

There are ample amounts of video tutorials, documentation & guides out there dedicated to learning Python. The Python community plays an active role in providing instant help through online forums to anyone facing the relatable issue.

Only Python’s capability, Freedom and Flexibility

The flexibility that Python provides is just beyond imagination. It allows developers to try building something different every time, instead of imposing restrictions & limiting to developing similar kinds of things.

For those who are techno freaks can become experimental in developing new projects by just learning a single language. Such type of freedom is not available in other programming languages.

Python’s obligation, Automation

Lots of tools & modules available in Python help in automation of tasks, making things much more comfortable. One can even reach an advanced level of automation easily by merely using necessary codes. To automate the task of software testing, Python is considered the best language because the developers need to work with few lines to write codes for the automation process.

Smile, ‘Coz Python is Faster, Efficient and Versatile

Python is one of the most versatile, efficient & faster programming languages among the other modern programming languages available. Whether mobile applications, desktop applications, or web development, Python can be used in nearly any kind of environment.

Python is also known as a programmer-friendly language, where running codes is a quick process offering productive results.

A programmer’s perk, Python Libraries and Frameworks

Python offers excellent libraries & frameworks that help in minimizing the efforts & times involved in the initial stages of development. Python also provides cloud media services and comes with cross-platform support with library-like tools, which can prove to be extremely beneficial. SciPy, NumPy, MatPlotlib, etc. are some of the popular libraries available in Python.

Python Libraries that add more glory to it

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science

Python is most popularly used in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. Python has many built-in libraries that provide various functionalities needed by Data Scientists to perform their tasks. As all these fields are developing rapidly, so is Python growing & becoming much popular.

All the Latest Technology Trends at your fingertips

Immense Applications, beyond your imagination

Python is used in multiple domains such as web & internet development, Software development, scientific & numeric computing. It is also employed to develop desktop GUIs, ERP & e-commerce systems for businesses.

The applications of Python are not only restricted to these listed things. It can do wonders and has a lot more to do other than this.


Python has always remained in the limelight since its release and is continuously enjoying the significant fame & popularity. Thanks to its unique features that made it the most preferred language for both beginners and experienced programmers from various backgrounds.

Conquer your Data Science dream with Python by your side

Easiness in terms of learning & usage are the primary reasons for inclination towards Python over other programming languages. It is already growing at a supersonic speed & will continue to remain the star of the show in the coming decades.

Thanks!! :-)



Rinu Gour

Data Science Enthusiast | Research writer | Blogger | Entrepreneur