Python Visualize a Solar System — From Stars to Planets

Rahul Patodi
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2024

Explore the cosmos with python’s powerful visualization tools! Unleash the beauty of the solar system through captivating graphics and leverage the turtle library. Transform raw data into stunning visual representation and allow for dynamic exploration of planetary orbits, sizes and positions.

About Python Visualize a Solar System Project

This Python Visualize a Solar System Project will guide you on a celestial journey, empowering you to create immersive and informative visualizations that bring the wonders of the solar system to life with just a few lines of code. Embark on a coding adventure and unlock the secrets of the universe through the python’s visualization tools.

Visualize a Solar System with Python
Visualize a Solar System with Python

Prerequisites for Python Visualize a Solar System

Proficiency in advanced Python along with a compatible system is essential for maximizing this tool’s performance.

  • Python 3.7 (64-bit) and above
  • Any python editor (VS code, Pycharm)


Open windows cmd as administrator

  1. Install the turtle.
pip install turtle

Let’s Implement

  1. Import the turtle library.
import turtle

2. It sets up the output screen of width 1300 and height 700.

screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.title("Solar System Visualization")
screen.setup(width=1300, height=700)
  • Screen() - Creates a graphical window for turtle graphics.
  • bgcolor() - Sets the background color of turtle graphics.
  • title() - Sets the title of the window.
  • setup() - configured the screen with specified height and width.

3. This function draws a filled circle representing a planet at a specified position and its orbit with the planet’s name.

def draw_planet(name, color, radius, orbit_radius, speed):
turtle.goto(orbit_radius, -radius - 10)
turtle.goto(orbit_radius, -radius - 30)
turtle.write(name, align="center", font=("Arial", 10, "normal"))
turtle.goto(0, -orbit_radius)
turtle.pendown(), 360)
turtle.goto(orbit_radius, 0)
  • penup() - lifts the pen without drawing.
  • color() - sets the turtle pen color.
  • goto() - gets user input in turtle.
  • pendown() - Lowers the pen for drawing.
  • begin_fill() - starts filling color in graphics.
  • circle() - draws circle of given radius.
  • end_fill() - stop filling color in graphics
  • write() - write text in graphics.
  • hideturtle() - hides the turtle graphics cursor.

4. It draws the sun at the center of the system.

draw_planet("Sun", "yellow", 30, 0, 0)

5. Make a list of planet data including color, name, radius and orbit radius.

planets_data = [
("Mercury", "gray", 5, 60, 10),
("Venus", "orange", 10, 80, 8),
("Earth", "blue", 10, 120, 5),
("Mars", "red", 8, 150, 3),
("Jupiter", "tan", 30, 190, 1),
("Saturn", "gold", 25, 250, 0.5),
("Uranus", "lightblue", 20, 310, 0.3),
("Neptune", "darkblue", 18, 380, 0.2)

6. Draws planets and their orbits based on specified data using turtle.

for planet_data in planets_data:

7. It closes the turtle graphics window on the user’s click.


Python Visualize a Solar System Output

Visualize a Solar System with Python output


In conclusion, employing Python for solar system visualization opens a fascinating gateway to explore the cosmos in a visually engaging manner.

Leveraging the turtle library facilitates the creation of detailed representation of celestial relationships. This approach is for educational purposes and for accessing complex astronomical concepts.

It invites enthusiasts and professionals alike to delve into the wonders of our solar system through versatile and user friendly programming language. Python’s utility in this context highlights its significance as a tool for solar system exploration.

