News in Tweets: #CeBIT 2015 Day 3

DataFox Digest
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2015

How Windows 10 is coming to 190 countries this summer ?!

Cool: industrial internet in action! Everybody is watching them… but what are they doing? #CeBIT15

#Huawei and Qwant signed a MoU at @cebit today and will speak tomorrow regarding their collaboration #CeBIT15

RT @cebit “Keynote von Sameer Patel, SAP:“Last Mile — Owning Customer Experience Drive Digital Disruption”: #CeBIT15"

Glenn Grennwald at #CeBIT15 at #CGC15 in Interview with #zdf

#Robochop in action @KUKA_RoboticsUS #CeBIT15

CeBIT 2015: Samsung Business division takes aim at enterprises via cloud and IoT:

Klassifizierung von Enterprise 2.0 Anwendungen: die Cogneon Enterprise 2.0 Flower. #cebitsba #CeBIT15

@medienkuh@dennishorn: Beweis für die unter euch, die mir eben nicht geglaubt haben: smarte Kuhglucke. #cebit15

The digital era is defined by 3 shifts: Data, Cloud, Engagement explains @bobpicciano at #CeBIT15 #ibmcebit #CGC15

Vimcar founder @siewek on stage: for more collaboration between big industry and startups at #CeBIT15

Follow the #CeBIT15 security panel now: with Avast CEO Vince Steckler, hosted by @ahess247

