Differences in Roles and Responsibilities between a DPO & a Privacy Engineer

Patrick Oh
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2023

Data Protection Officers (DPOs) and Privacy Engineers are both crucial roles in an organization’s efforts to manage and protect personal data, but they have distinct responsibilities and focus areas.

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences in their roles and responsibilities:

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

Legal and Regulatory Focus:

The primary responsibility of a DPO is to ensure that the organization complies with data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR, PDPA, PIPL, CCPA, or HIPAA. They have a deep understanding of the legal aspects of data privacy.

Independent Oversight:

DPOs typically operate independently within the organization and act as a watchdog to ensure that data protection and privacy laws are upheld. They report directly to the highest management level in the organization.

Regulatory Liaison:

DPOs often serve as the main point of contact between the organization and data protection authorities (such as the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK). They handle data breach notifications, audits, and inquiries from regulatory bodies.

Privacy Policies and Notices:

DPOs contribute to the development and maintenance of privacy policies, notices, and consent mechanisms. They ensure that these documents align with legal requirements and best practices.

Privacy Impact Assessments:

DPOs are responsible for conducting privacy impact assessments (PIAs) or data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) to evaluate the privacy risks associated with data processing activities.

Legal Guidance:

DPOs provide legal advice and guidance on privacy matters, helping the organization understand the legal implications of data processing activities.

Monitoring and Auditing:

They monitor the organization’s data processing activities to ensure compliance with privacy laws and conduct periodic privacy audits.

Employee Training:

DPOs often provide training and awareness programs for employees on data protection laws and regulations, helping staff understand their obligations under these laws.

Privacy Engineer:

Technical and Engineering Focus:

Privacy Engineers are primarily focused on the technical aspects of data privacy. They work to implement privacy safeguards and controls within the organization’s technology systems and products.

Privacy by Design:

They collaborate with development teams to ensure that privacy is integrated into the design and development of products and services from the outset, emphasizing technical solutions and measures.

Data Mapping and Classification:

Privacy Engineers are responsible for understanding data flows, categorizing data based on sensitivity, and implementing technical measures to protect data at various stages of its lifecycle.

Security Measures:

They work closely with cybersecurity professionals to implement technical security measures such as encryption, access controls, and authentication to protect personal data.

Incident Response and Security:

While incident response is a shared responsibility, Privacy Engineers are often more involved in implementing technical aspects of incident response plans, including forensic analysis and security improvements.

Vendor Assessment:

Privacy Engineers assess the technical privacy practices of third-party vendors and ensure that they meet the organization’s privacy and security standards.

Technical Training:

They provide technical training to IT and development teams on implementing privacy controls and ensuring that the technical infrastructure is privacy-compliant.

In summary, while both DPOs and Privacy Engineers are essential for ensuring data privacy and compliance, DPOs focus on legal and regulatory aspects, independence, and overall compliance strategy, whereas Privacy Engineers concentrate on the technical implementation of privacy measures, data protection technologies, and ensuring that privacy is embedded in the organization’s technical infrastructure. These roles often work closely together to achieve a holistic approach to data protection and privacy.

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Patrick Oh

Patrick is Singapore Certified Mgmt Consultant providing PDPA consultancy, Performance mgmt and Solutions Design and Community Development.