Overview of the ISO 31700 Privacy by Design Standards

Patrick Oh
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2023


In an era marked by increasing concerns over data privacy and security, the introduction of the new ISO 31700 Privacy by Design standards in January 2023 represents a significant milestone. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), these standards are a groundbreaking set of high-level requirements aimed at integrating privacy seamlessly into the design of consumer goods and services. Privacy by Design, as a framework, revolves around seven foundational principles that emphasize proactivity, user-centricity, and transparency in the handling of personal data. These standards encompass the entire lifecycle of consumer products and services, from their inception and development to deployment and operation. This article delves into the essence of ISO 31700, discussing its principles and highlighting the steps organizations can take to implement it effectively.

The new ISO 31700 Privacy by Design standards are a set of high-level requirements for embedding privacy into the design of consumer goods and services. The standards were published in January 2023 and are the first of their kind to be developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Privacy by Design is a framework for integrating privacy into the design and development of products, services, and systems. It is based on the following seven principles:

  • Proactive not reactive; preventive not remedial
  • Privacy as the default setting
  • Privacy embedded into design
  • Full functionality — positive-sum, not zero-sum
  • End-to-end security — full lifecycle protection
  • Visibility and transparency — keep it open
  • Respect for user privacy — keep it user-centric

The ISO 31700 standards cover the entire lifecycle of a consumer product or service, from design and development to deployment and operation. They also cover the processing of data by the consumer themselves.

The standards are intended to help organizations of all sizes to protect the privacy of their customers. They are particularly relevant to organizations that develop and deploy consumer-facing technologies, such as smart devices, wearables, and online services.

How to implement ISO 31700 Privacy by Design

There are a number of steps that organizations can take to implement ISO 31700 Privacy by Design. These include:

  • Establish a privacy culture. This means making privacy a priority at all levels of the organization and ensuring that all employees are aware of their privacy responsibilities.
  • Conduct privacy impact assessments (PIAs). PIAs are a process for identifying and evaluating the privacy risks associated with a new or changed product, service, or system.
  • Implement appropriate privacy controls. This may include measures such as data minimization, encryption, and anonymization.
  • Provide transparency and control to consumers. This means informing consumers about how their data is being processed and giving them choices about how their data is used.
  • Monitor and improve your privacy practices. This includes regularly reviewing your PIAs and privacy controls to ensure that they are effective.

ISO 31700 Privacy by Design is a comprehensive framework for protecting the privacy of consumers. By implementing the standards, organizations can show their customers that they are committed to protecting their privacy and can build trust in their products and services.

Here are some additional tips for implementing ISO 31700 Privacy by Design:

  • Start early. The best time to start thinking about privacy is at the very beginning of the product or service development lifecycle.
  • Involve everyone. Privacy should be everyone’s responsibility, not just the privacy team. Make sure that all stakeholders, including business leaders, engineers, and designers, are involved in the privacy by design process.
  • Use a privacy by design methodology. There are a number of privacy by design methodologies available. Choose one that is appropriate for your organization and stick to it.
  • Get certified. There are a number of certification programs available for ISO 31700 Privacy by Design. Getting certified can help you to demonstrate your commitment to privacy to your customers and stakeholders.

Benefits of implementing ISO 31700 Privacy by Design

There are a number of benefits to implementing ISO 31700 Privacy by Design, including:

  • Reduced risk of privacy breaches and data leaks.
  • Increased customer trust and loyalty.
  • Improved compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Enhanced brand reputation.
  • Competitive advantage.


In summary, the ISO 31700 Privacy by Design standards are designed to revolutionize how organizations approach the incorporation of privacy into their products and services. They emphasize a proactive, user-centric approach to privacy, acknowledging that privacy should be embedded into design from the outset rather than addressed as an afterthought. These standards encompass the entire lifecycle of consumer goods and services, including data processing by consumers themselves, making them comprehensive in their coverage.

Organizations seeking to implement ISO 31700 can follow a structured approach that includes establishing a privacy culture, conducting privacy impact assessments, implementing appropriate privacy controls, providing transparency and control to consumers, and continuously monitoring and improving privacy practices. These steps aim to foster a culture of privacy within the organization, minimize privacy risks, and enhance user trust.

Furthermore, organizations can benefit from implementing ISO 31700 Privacy by Design in several ways. These benefits include a reduced risk of privacy breaches and data leaks, increased customer trust and loyalty, improved compliance with privacy regulations, an enhanced brand reputation, and a competitive advantage. By adhering to these standards, organizations demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding user privacy and position themselves as responsible stewards of sensitive data.

The new ISO 31700 Privacy by Design standards represent a watershed moment in the realm of data privacy and security. As consumers become increasingly concerned about the protection of their personal information, these standards offer a robust framework for organizations to embed privacy into their products and services. By adhering to the seven foundational principles of Privacy by Design and following a structured implementation approach, organizations can not only protect themselves from privacy breaches but also build a strong foundation of trust with their customers.

The benefits of implementing ISO 31700 are far-reaching, extending from risk reduction to enhanced brand reputation and competitive advantage. In an age where data privacy is paramount, organizations that embrace these standards are not only ensuring regulatory compliance but also demonstrating their dedication to respecting user privacy. As ISO 31700 Privacy by Design becomes a benchmark for responsible data handling, organizations that prioritize these principles will undoubtedly thrive in a world where privacy and trust are integral to success. By implementing ISO 31700 Privacy by Design, organizations can protect the privacy of their customers and build trust in their products and services.



Patrick Oh

Patrick is Singapore Certified Mgmt Consultant providing PDPA consultancy, Performance mgmt and Solutions Design and Community Development.