Step 1: Aligning Organizational Operations with Vision, Mission, and Core Values in Performance Management System (PMS)

by Patrick Oh (rewritten by Alvin Ang)

Dr. Alvin Ang
4 min readSep 23, 2023


Photo by K8 on Unsplash

This is part of a series on :

Organizational Performance Management

8 stories

Establishing an effective Performance Management System (PMS) within an organization invariably commences with the alignment of operational processes with the organization’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values. These foundational elements, often collectively referred to as the Corporate Culture, represent the essence of how an organization functions.

The Vision, Mission, and Core Values are not mere symbolic expressions; they embody the organization’s purpose and operational philosophy. Therefore, it is imperative that an organization not only embraces these principles but also effectively integrates them into all facets of its operational processes when implementing a PMS.

A concise overview of Vision, Mission, and Core Values is as follows:

1. **Vision**: This articulates the fundamental “WHY” behind the organization’s existence. It encapsulates what the organization aspires to achieve through its products and services, succinctly illustrating its future aspirations.

2. **Mission**: The Mission delineates the actionable steps and strategies that the organization will focus on to realize its Vision. It encompasses elements such as the delivery of quality services, the development of the organization towards high performance, and considerations of expansion, multiplication, and sustainability.

3. **Core Values**: These represent the fundamental values and principles that underpin the organization’s operations while pursuing its Mission. They serve as guiding principles and ethical benchmarks.

To ensure that a PMS aligns seamlessly with the Vision, Mission, and Core Values, organizations can follow these steps:

1. **Revisit Vision, Mission, and Core Values**: Begin by revisiting and reaffirming the organization’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values. Ensure that these foundational elements remain relevant and resonate with the organization’s current objectives and aspirations.

2. **Process Evaluation**: Compile an exhaustive list of all organizational departments and their respective processes. This comprehensive inventory serves as a critical reference point for aligning processes with the broader mission.

3. **SMART Goals**: For each of these processes, establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Goals. These goals should be directly linked to the organization’s Mission and designed to propel it toward the Vision.

4. **Objective Definition**: Outline the specific objectives for achieving these SMART Goals. These objectives should provide clear direction on how to fulfill the organization’s Mission.

5. **Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)**: Identify the metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), both tangible and intangible, that will be used to gauge performance against the defined objectives. These metrics serve as quantifiable benchmarks.

Once the performance measurement framework is in place, organizations can proceed to design and implement strategies and approaches aligned with these objectives. Subsequently, an ongoing evaluation and improvement process can be established to enhance effectiveness and productivity continually.

It is also prudent to consider the integration of ISO standards, tailored to the specific nature of the organization’s operations and compliance requirements, to further enhance the effectiveness of the Performance Management System.

By SG Venture Consulting

About Patrick Oh

Patrick is Singapore Certified Management Consultant providing PDPA compliance consultancy, Performance management and Solutions Design and Development.

About Dr. Alvin Ang

Dr. Alvin Ang earned his Ph.D., Masters and Bachelor degrees from NTU, Singapore. Previously he was a Principal Consultant (Data Science) as well as an Assistant Professor. He was also 8 years SUSS adjunct lecturer. His focus and interest is in the area of real world data science. Though an operational researcher by study, his passion for practical applications outweigh his academic background He is a scientist, entrepreneur, as well as a personal/business advisor.

More about him at

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