Presidential Elections, Blockchain Smart Contract eVoting Concept Paper

Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2023

Presidential elections are upon us in Singapore soon.

This reminds me of my project in early 2022 during my NUS Fintech full-time 4-month program. One of the modules dealt with Blockchain and smart contracts. The goal of the project was to have a concept paper using Blockchain technology to solve a current problem. My 4-page PPT slide presentation was to use Blockchain for voting, to solve the issues of Transparency, Trust, Fraud, and voter identity (Secrecy).

Using a private and public ledger with NFTs as a Utility Token, we can use the Metaverse (or alternatively, create unique QR codes) to vote. In summary, the main slide encapsulates the proposed concept paper.

I do not have an IT background and hence there may be limitations to my proposal. But current technology is already available to make it happen.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback as it is my lifelong learning journey and interest in this area. Thank you in advance.

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