The Data Science Team (Part 7)

The Developer

Dr. Alvin Ang
3 min readJul 15, 2022


Previous Article: Part 6: The Data Engineer

A. Job Scope

  • Although developers don’t always have a fully dedicated position within a data science team, they are an essential piece of the puzzle.
  • Developers often come in at the end of the data science workflow.
  • They are responsible for building the applications where the models will sit — applications that leverage the insights and data gathered from the rest of the data science team.
  • Familiar with application programming interfaces (APIs) and using them to integrate various data products and sources into applications.
  • When done right, the developer’s skill creates an application so solid that you don’t even realize there’s a data product underneath.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

  • Workflow is used to develop and maintain software.
  • It includes: planning, implementation, testing, documentation, deployment, and maintenance.

B. Tools Used

  • Producing code:
  • Atom / TextWrangler / Visual Code Studio / Emacs / Vim /
  • Backend web development:
  • Ruby on Rails / Python’s Django / Flask / Vue.js / AJAX

C. Frameworks

  • Waterfall: Each phase of the SDLC must be completed and reviewed before moving on to the next.
  • Agile
  • V-shaped model
  • Spiral

D. How to be a Developer

  • Barrier to entry for Software Development is low.
  • Doesn’t require same level of education that Data Scientists do
  • Many are self-taught.
  • Either complete a degree (traditional path) or attend coding bootcamps.
  • Online coding bootcamps can be completely free.
  • Need to be proficient in at least one programming language, preferably more.
  • Requires hard work and dedication.
  • If you’re willing to put in that work, you can enter this field and be successful.

E. Example

Job Description for Charles and Keith Front End Web Developer
Job Description for Charles and Keith Backend Developer


About Dr. Alvin Ang

Dr. Alvin Ang earned his Ph.D., Masters and Bachelor degrees from NTU, Singapore.

Previously he was a Principal Consultant (Data Science) as well as an Assistant Professor. He was also 8 years SUSS adjunct lecturer. His focus and interest is in the area of real world data science. Though an operational researcher by study, his passion for practical applications outweigh his academic background

He is a scientist, entrepreneur, as well as a personal/business advisor. More about him at

