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Accessing Top-Level Code Objects in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Discover how to access code objects in top-level Python scripts, a valuable yet often overlooked aspect of Python coding.

David Techwell
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2023


Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.

Accessing Top-Level Code Objects in Python

In Python, accessing code objects from functions is a well-understood concept. However, the same cannot be said for top-level code, which presents its own set of challenges and intrigues for developers. Let’s say you have a Python script with a structure like this:

my_var = 42
print('Hello from top level')

def my_function():
print('Hello from a function')

Retrieving the code object for my_function is straightforward using my_function.__code__. But what about the top-level code? Does a method exist to access the code object for lines like my_var = 42 and print('Hello from top level')?

The solution lies within Python’s own inspect module. A function can be created to traverse back to the top-level frame and retrieve the code object. Here’s how:

import inspect

def get_top_level_code_object():
frame = inspect.currentframe()
while frame.f_back:
frame = frame.f_back
return frame.f_code

if __name__ == "__main__":
top_level_code_obj = get_top_level_code_object()

This approach utilizes the inspect.currentframe() function to move up the call stack until the top-level frame is reached. The f_code attribute of the frame contains the desired code object.

Another method involves creating a code object from the module’s source code using the compile function:

import inspect, sys

c = compile(inspect.getsource(sys.modules[__name__]), "mymodule", "exec")

This technique compiles the entire module’s source code into a code object, which can then be inspected and manipulated. It assumes that the original source code is still available and accessible.

These methods demonstrate Python’s flexibility and the capability to introspect its own structures, a powerful feature for advanced developers.

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Q: How do I retrieve the code object of a function in Python?
A: You can access a function’s code object using the __code__ attribute of the function, like function_name.__code__.

Q: Can I access the top-level code object of a Python script?
A: Yes, by using the inspect module and traversing back to the top-level frame, you can retrieve the top-level code object.

Q: Is it possible to compile Python source code into a code object?
A: Absolutely. The built-in compile function allows you to turn Python source code into a code or AST object, which can then be executed.


Inspect Module — Official Python Documentation

Compile Function — Official Python Documentation



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.