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Efficient Matrix Computations in R: Tips and Tricks

Got slow R code? Here’s how you can optimize matrix calculations for speed and efficiency.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2023


Efficient Matrix Computations in R: Tips and Tricks

Matrix calculations in R slowing you down? Don’t sweat it! I’ve got some tips and tricks to speed up your R code, making those computations quick and easy.

Let’s start with a common scenario. Imagine you’re working on a project where you need to do a bunch of matrix computations. You’ve got your code all set up, but it’s just… so… slow. Frustrating, right? 🐌

Here’s a typical piece of code you might be using:

This line of code is doing a lot, and it might be the reason your R session feels like it’s crawling. The %*% (matrix multiplication) operator and functions like exp and log can be heavy, especially with large matrices.

So, how do we make this snappier? First, let’s rethink how we’re using matrix operations. A cool trick is to minimize the use of heavy operations like %*%. Instead of calculating everything in one go, break it down. 🧩

Here’s a tweaked version of our code:

By splitting the computation into parts, we reduce the complexity of each operation. This approach can lead to significant improvements in speed, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Another smart move is to look at the data itself. If your matrices have lots of repeating rows, you can exploit this. Compute results for unique rows first, then apply these results to the entire matrix. Like this:

This method can drastically cut down computation time by avoiding redundant calculations. It’s like finding shortcuts in a maze — you get to the end much faster! 🚀

References and FAQs

For more details on R matrix computations, check out the official documentation:


Q: What is matrix multiplication in R?
A: In R, matrix multiplication is done using the %*% operator. It multiplies two matrices if they are conformable (i.e., the number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the second matrix).

Q: How can I improve the performance of matrix calculations in R?
A: To enhance performance, consider optimizing your code by breaking down complex computations, using functions efficiently, and exploiting data patterns like repeating rows in matrices.

Q: Can R handle large matrix computations efficiently?
A: Yes, R can handle large matrix computations, especially when optimized correctly. Some functions are designed to run faster for large matrices, and certain techniques like parallel computing in C++ can also be used to improve performance.

Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.