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Haskell Space Leak Solved: Efficient Memory Management with `transpose`

Learn how to combat the notorious space leak issue in Haskell, specifically tackling the complexities surrounding the `transpose` function.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2023


Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.

Understanding Space Leaks in Haskell’s transpose Function

Haskell’s transpose function, while powerful, can sometimes lead to frustrating space leaks, especially when used with infinite lists. In my latest programming venture, I encountered this exact problem. This article chronicles my experience and the strategies I employed to effectively manage memory in Haskell.

The issue at hand involves a space leak when using transpose on infinite lists. Consider this Haskell code snippet:

head . filter (const False) $ (transpose [[1,2,3..]])

One would expect this code to run in constant memory, but it doesn’t. This leads to a critical question: why does this happen, and how can we resolve it? Let’s dive deeper into the mechanics of Haskell’s memory management and uncover the solution to this perplexing issue.

To address the space leak, it’s crucial to understand the behavior of transpose with infinite lists. In Haskell, transpose essentially processes lists like this:

map head [[1,2,3..]]
: map head (map tail [[1,2,3..]])
: map head (map tail (map tail [[1,2,3..]]))
: ...

This structure leads to an infinite chain of nested map tail thunks, causing a space leak. To resolve this, we must force the spines of the inner lists, ensuring the nested thunks are processed properly.

One approach is to modify the list comprehension in a way that forces the evaluation of each element. Here’s an example:

main = print $ head . filter (\x -> length x < 10) $ transpose [[1,2,3..]]

This solution ensures that the space leak is avoided by forcing the evaluation of the inner lists, maintaining constant memory usage. In the following section, we will explore a more explicit solution to handle this issue effectively.

For a more detailed solution, consider using a custom transpose' function combined with explicit list forcing. This approach ensures complete control over memory usage. The following Haskell code illustrates this:

import Data.List

transpose' :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
transpose' = forcelist2 . transpose

forcelist2 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
forcelist2 (x:xs) = let !y = forcelist x in y : forcelist2 xs
forcelist :: [a] -> [a]
forcelist (x:xs) = let !ys = forcelist xs in x : ys
forcelist [] = []

main = print $ head . filter (const False) . forcelist2 $ transpose' [[1,2,3..]]

This code effectively manages memory by ensuring each list element is evaluated, preventing the buildup of thunks and maintaining constant memory. If you found this post enlightening and helpful, please share it with your peers to spread the knowledge 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Q: What exactly does the transpose function do in Haskell?
A: The transpose function in Haskell transposes the rows and columns of its argument. For example, transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] results in [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]].

Q: How does transpose handle rows of different lengths?
A: In Haskell, if some rows are shorter than others in transpose, their elements are skipped. For instance, transpose [[10,11],[20],[],[30,31,32]] yields [[10,20,30],[11,31],[32]].

Q: Can transpose work with infinite lists?
A: No, the outer list must be finite in transpose; otherwise, it hangs. An example of this is transpose (repeat []), which hangs indefinitely.


Official Haskell Documentation




David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.