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How to Access State and Zipcode in Raku Grammar’s TOP Method

Discover how to access state and zipcode in Raku’s Grammar TOP method with this easy guide.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2023


Cracking the Code: Accessing Nested Values in Raku Grammar

Hey Raku fans! Ever scratched your head trying to figure out how to get certain values from deep within your Raku Grammar? Today, we’re looking at a neat trick to access state and zipcode in a Raku program. Let’s set the stage with a basic problem. Imagine you have a Raku Grammar like this:

grammar Grammar {
token TOP {
<city> \v
<state-zip> \v?
...other tokens...

This grammar is great for parsing addresses with city, state, and zipcode. But here’s the twist — how do you access the state and zipcode right at the top level in your Grammar? That’s what we’re about to crack! 🧐

So, how do we solve this? First, let’s understand the challenge. In Raku, when you make something in a grammar, it’s like saying ‘Hey, remember this for later!’ But, the tricky part is, you can’t just go grabbing these made values from anywhere in your grammar. They need a bit of a nudge to move up to the TOP. 😅

Here’s where our solution kicks in. We use a neat technique to ‘lift’ these values to the TOP method. The idea is to create a dictionary (like a treasure chest of info) and store our values there. Check this out:

method TOP($/) {
my %hash;
%hash<state> = $_ with $<state-zip><state>.made;
%hash<zipcode> = $_ with $<state-zip><zipcode>.made;
make %hash if %hash;

What we did here is super cool. We created a hash and filled it with the state and zipcode values. Then, we used the ‘make’ function to bring these values up to the TOP. 🚀

But wait, there’s more! After lifting our values, we need to use them, right? Here’s how you can access these shiny new values in your code:

say "state is ", $_ with $/.made<state>;
say "zipcode is ", $_ with $/.made<zipcode>;

By using $/.made<state> and $/.made<zipcode>, we can now easily get the state and zipcode values. No more digging through layers of grammar! We've just made our Raku life a bit easier. 🌟

Further Insights and FAQs on Raku Grammar

Ready for more Raku Grammar goodness? We’ve got you covered! For those eager to delve deeper, the official Raku Grammar documentation is a treasure trove of information. It covers everything from basic definitions to more complex concepts.


Q: What is a Raku Grammar?
A: Raku Grammar is a powerful tool for text analysis and manipulation. It’s used for parsing text and returning structured data. Think of it as a way to break down and understand the text better.

Q: How do I define a Grammar in Raku?
A: Defining a Grammar in Raku is like defining a class. Use the ‘grammar’ keyword instead of ‘class’ and define methods that match patterns in text.

Q: What is the ‘TOP’ method in Raku Grammar?
A: The ‘TOP’ method is the starting point for parsing in Raku. It’s where you define the overall structure of what you’re parsing.

Remember, Raku Grammar is not just for experts. With a bit of practice, anyone can start using it to make sense of text data. Happy coding! 🚀

Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.