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How to Convert Arithmetic Expressions to Function Syntax in R

Explore the transformation of basic arithmetic into sophisticated function calls in R, a game-changer for efficient coding.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2023


Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.

Understanding Function-Based Syntax Transformation in R

The power of R programming is showcased in its capability to transform and manipulate data expressions. A typical task is converting an arithmetic expression, like ‘a + b*c’, into a more functional form such as ‘add(a, multiply(b, c))’. This transition from a basic arithmetic structure to a function-based format is not just about enhancing readability; it represents a shift towards more advanced and efficient coding techniques.

getAST <- function(ee) purrr::map_if(as.list(ee), is.call, getAST)
ast <- rapply(getAST(quote(a + b*c)), as.character, how = "list")

In this part, we will delve into the initial challenges and the rationale behind this transformation, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the process. Stay tuned for a step-by-step guide on achieving this conversion in R.

Step-by-Step Conversion Process

Moving towards the solution, the first step is creating a function getAST which utilizes the purrr package to navigate through the expression tree. The function rapply, part of base R, is then used to apply this function recursively, handling the tree structure.

convertAST <- function(ast) {
op <- switch(
"+" = "add",
"-" = "subtract",
"*" = "multiply",
"/" = "divide"
left <- ast[[2]]
right <- ast[[3]]
# Function to handle different scenarios
if(is.character(left) && is.character(right)) {
return(sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", op, left, right))
if(is.character(left)) {
return(sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", op, left, convertAST(right)))
if(is.character(right)) {
return(sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", op, convertAST(left), right))
return(sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", op, convertAST(left), convertAST(right)))

This convertAST function maps each operator to its equivalent function call. It then recursively traverses the abstract syntax tree (AST), rebuilding it as a function-based expression. The recursive nature of this function allows it to handle nested expressions effectively.

Continuing with the solution, another approach involves using the substitute function. This method allows more direct manipulation of the expression's elements. The function subst demonstrates this, replacing operators with corresponding function names.

subst <- function(e, sub = list(`+` = "add", 
`-` = "minus",
`/` = "divide",
`*` = "multiply")) {
sub <- Map(as.name, sub)
do.call("substitute", list(e, sub))

This technique offers a different perspective on handling expressions in R, showcasing the language’s versatility and power. By understanding and applying these methods, R programmers can significantly enhance the efficiency and readability of their code.

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How can I transform arithmetic expressions into function calls in R?Use the getAST and convertAST functions to transform expressions into function syntax. This involves recursive tree traversal and operator mapping to function calls.Are there alternative methods to convert expressions in R?Yes, the substitute function offers a direct approach to manipulate expression elements, replacing operators with corresponding function names.


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David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.