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How to Preview Rows Affected by Cascading Delete in SQL

SQL made easy: Learn to identify rows impacted by a cascade delete before you hit delete.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2023


Previewing Cascade-Deleted Rows in SQL

So, you’re about to run a cascade delete in SQL, but wait! What if you could see which rows are going to disappear before you even press that delete button? Sounds cool, right? Let’s dive into how you can do just that.

Imagine you’re working on a database and you need to delete some data. You might be worried about which rows will get deleted when you use a cascading delete. This is a common challenge in SQL, where deleting one row can cause a domino effect, deleting related rows in other tables. It’s like pulling a thread on a sweater and watching it unravel 🧶!

But don’t worry, I’ve got a trick up my sleeve. You can actually preview the rows that will be deleted by a cascading delete. This is super useful in big projects where you might not remember every table that’s linked. It’s like having a map in a treasure hunt.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to do this. First up, we need to find the primary key of the table from where you’re deleting. Say we have a table named users. You can run a query like this to find the primary key:


This query will tell you the primary key column of the users table. Now, the next step is to find all the tables that reference this primary key. It’s a bit like a scavenger hunt 🔍.

To find these tables, you can use another query. Imagine our primary key is user_id. The query would look something like this:


This query will give you a list of all the tables that have a foreign key referencing the user_id in the users table. It’s like finding all the pieces of a puzzle 🧩.

Now, here comes the cool part. With the list of tables in hand, you can create a script that generates select statements for each table. This script will show you the rows that will be deleted in those tables. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows the future of your data.

For each table, your script might look something like this:

FROM related_table
WHERE foreign_key_column = (SELECT primary_key_column FROM users WHERE some_condition);

This query will display all rows in related_table that are going to be deleted when you delete a row in the users table. It’s like having a sneak peek before the big show 🎭.

Remember, always test your queries in a safe environment before running them on your live data. It’s like wearing a helmet when you’re learning to ride a bike 🚴‍♂️. Safety first!

Understanding Cascade Deletes in SQL

Now that we’ve explored the mechanics of cascade deletes in SQL, let’s look at some authoritative references for further reading and understanding. These official docs are the go-to resources for deepening your SQL knowledge:

Entity Framework Core Documentation on Cascade Delete

MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual on FOREIGN KEY Constraints


Q: What happens in a cascade delete?

A: In a cascade delete, when a parent table row is deleted, all related child table rows that reference the parent’s primary key also get deleted automatically.

Q: How do I set up a cascade delete?

A: To set up a cascade delete, define a foreign key constraint on the child table with the ‘ON DELETE CASCADE’ option.

Q: Can cascade delete be prevented?

A: Yes, by using ‘ON DELETE RESTRICT’ or ‘ON DELETE NO ACTION’, you can prevent the automatic deletion of child rows when a parent row is deleted.

Q: Does cascade delete affect triggers?

A: No, cascade delete actions do not activate triggers.

Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.