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Making DBIx Queries Simple: Fetch and Filter Techniques

Get a grip on DBIx queries, focusing on prefetching, aggregate functions, and efficient filtering techniques.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2023


Cracking Complex Queries in DBIx

Starting out with DBIx and feeling overwhelmed by complex queries? I get it! But with a few tips, we can master prefetching, filtering, and more in no time. 🚀

Let’s set the scene. You’re working on a project, and you need to fetch data from a database. But it’s not just any data. You need to perform some clever tricks like prefetching related rows and filtering based on aggregate function values. Sounds like a headache, right? But don’t sweat it, I’ve got your back!

Imagine you have a music database. You want to get all albums that have less than a certain number of tracks. To do this, we’ll need to use a subquery to count the tracks, and then filter the albums based on this count. Here’s a simplified example:

SELECT album_id, album_name, artist_name
FROM albums
FROM tracks
WHERE tracks.album_id = albums.album_id
) < 5

This query gets all albums with less than 5 tracks. Simple, right? But there’s more to it when using DBIx. Let’s dive in!

So, how do we tackle this in DBIx? First, let’s build a resultset for our albums. Think of this as telling DBIx, 'Hey, I'm interested in albums.' Now, the fun part - the subquery. We're creating a subquery to count the tracks in each album. It's like asking, 'How many tracks does each album have?'

my $albums_rs = $schema->resultset('Album');

my $subquery_rs = $albums_rs->search(
'+select' => [
'' => $albums_rs->search_related('tracks')
-as => 'track_count'

Next, we filter the albums. We’re telling DBIx to only give us albums with a track count less than, let’s say, 4. This is done using the search method on our subquery result set.

track_count => { '<' => 4 }

That’s pretty much it! You’ve now got a set of albums filtered by their track count using a subquery. Cool, right? 😎

But wait, that’s not all! We’ve filtered our albums, but we also want to fetch some extra info, like the artist’s name. In DBIx, this is a breeze with the prefetch option. It's like saying, 'While you're at it, grab the artist details too.' Here's how you do it:

prefetch => 'artist'

And voilà! Now, when you run your query, you’ll not only get albums with less than 4 tracks, but also the artist’s name for each album. Handy, right?

So, that’s the gist of handling complex queries in DBIx. Start with your main data interest (like albums), build a subquery for the extra details (like track counts), filter based on that, and don’t forget to prefetch related data. It might seem tricky at first, but with a bit of practice, you’ll be rocking these queries in no time! 🎸


For those who want to delve deeper, here are some handy official documentation links:


How do I start with DBIx? Start by understanding basic database and Perl object-oriented programming concepts. Then, explore the QuickStart Guide for a practical introduction.

What are some advanced DBIx features? DBIx offers a range of features like triggers, custom base classes, and more. Dive into the Cookbook for advanced techniques.

Where can I find comprehensive DBIx documentation? The DBIx::Class Manual is your go-to source for comprehensive information on DBIx features and functionalities.

Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.