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Rust’s Option Type: Effective Strategies for Option> to Option> Conversion

Enhance your Rust programming skills by understanding the conversion of Option> to Option> with clear examples and explanations.

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2023


Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.

Understanding Rust’s Nested Option Conversion

In Rust, a common yet complex task that programmers encounter is the conversion of nested Option types, specifically from Option<Option<String>> to Option<Option<&str>>. This challenge is intriguing because it involves Rust's unique approach to memory safety and data handling.

Let’s consider a scenario where you have a variable of type Option<Option<String>>. The goal is to transform this into Option<Option<&str>> without violating Rust's strict ownership and borrowing rules. Here's an example to illustrate the problem:

let my_option = Some(Some(String::from("Hello World")));
// Desired conversion: Option<Option<&str>>

This seemingly straightforward task is not as simple as it appears due to the intricacies of Rust’s type system and ownership model.

Addressing this conversion involves understanding Rust’s ownership principles. A direct approach using .map fails because it violates ownership by consuming the outer Option and attempting to borrow from inside it. However, a more nuanced method involves using as_ref and as_deref.

The as_ref method converts a reference to an Option (&Option<T>) into an Option containing a reference to its content (Option<&T>). Here, T is Option<String>, so as_ref gives us an Option<&Option<String>>.

Next, inside a map call, we use as_deref which transforms Option<T> to Option<&T::Target>, where T::Target is &str in our case. This chain of method calls allows for a safe conversion while respecting Rust's ownership rules.

let example = Some(Some(String::from("Example")));
let converted: Option<Option<&str>> = example.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_deref());
println!("{:?}", converted);

In this code snippet, example is of type Option<Option<String>>, and through the combination of as_ref and as_deref, we achieve the desired transformation.

Alternatively, for scenarios involving multiple method calls with Option, Result, or similar constructs, consider a more foundational approach using match. This method can simplify complex transformations and enhance readability.

The match statement allows precise control over each possibility of the Option types. For our case, the function below demonstrates how to achieve the same conversion:

fn convert_opt_opt_str(input: &Option<Option<String>>) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match input {
Some(Some(s)) => Some(Some(s.as_str())),
Some(None) => Some(None),
None => None,

This function takes a reference to Option<Option<String>> and returns Option<Option<&str>>. The match construct cleanly handles each case, making the code both effective and easy to understand.


What is the Option type in Rust?The Option type in Rust represents an optional value: it can either be Some with a value or None if there is no value.How do you use pattern matching with Option in Rust?Pattern matching is commonly used with Option to check for the presence of a value and take appropriate action, accounting for both Some and None cases.What does as_ref do in Rust?The as_ref method in Rust converts a reference to an Option (&Option<T>) into an Option containing a reference to its content (Option<&T>).


Official Rust Documentation on the Option Type



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.