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Smart Tricks for Comparing Multiple Columns in R

Discover how to compare multiple columns in R with less code and more efficiency. Perfect for beginners and seasoned coders alike!

David Techwell
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Originally published on HackingWithCode.com.

Smart Tricks for Comparing Multiple Columns in R

Discover how to compare multiple columns in R with less code and more efficiency. I’m here to guide you through some cool, simple methods that will save you time and headaches.

Let’s say you’re working with a dataset and need to compare several columns to each other. Maybe you have columns a, b, and c, and you want to check where they don't differ by more than 10%. You might start with something like this:

But hey, what if you have more columns or different thresholds? Typing all that out can be pretty boring and time-consuming, right? Well, I’ve got some neat tricks up my sleeve to make this way easier. Stay tuned!

So, you’ve got your basic code, but it’s not very fun when you need to compare a bunch more columns, right? 🤔 Let’s upgrade it! First up, let’s make a function called compare_columns. This function will take any number of columns and compare them to each other. Here's how you do it:

This function uses combn to create combinations of your columns, then checks the difference between each pair against the threshold. Cool, right? 😎 Now, let's see it in action:

With this approach, you can easily adjust the number of columns and the threshold. It saves time and keeps your code neat and tidy. Next, we’ll look at how to further optimize this function for even smarter comparisons!

Now, let’s tweak our compare_columns function to be even smarter. We'll add a bit of magic with rowSums. This will help us figure out which rows meet our criteria across all column comparisons. Here's the updated function:

With this change, all_true becomes a new column indicating if all comparisons per row are within the threshold. It's a game changer! 🌟 Now, you can filter your dataset easily:

And there you have it! A smarter, more efficient way to compare multiple columns in R. Happy coding! 🚀


Q: What’s the best way to learn R for beginners?
A: Start with the basics! Check out the R Project for Statistical Computing website. It has loads of resources and documentation to get you started.

Q: Can I use R for data analysis?
A: Absolutely! R is fantastic for data analysis. You can explore more about its capabilities on CRAN’s manuals page.

Q: Are there good online resources for R?
A: Yes! Websites like RDocumentation offer comprehensive documentation for all R packages.


The R Project for Statistical Computing


CRAN: Manuals

R Language Definition



David Techwell

Tech Enthusiast, Software Engineer, and Passionate Blogger.