Fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo for Natural Language to SQL

Mo Pourreza
Published in
10 min readAug 31, 2023
Photo by Mariia Shalabaieva on Unsplash


Allowing non-technical users to ask questions from a database has been a problem of interest in academia and industry for years. The recent advances in Large Language Model (LLM) technology, such as GPT-4, have improved the accuracy of proposed solutions. However, since the most advanced LLMs have not been open for fine-tuning, recent work in the space has focused on creating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) algorithms that can enable complex Natural Language to SQL (NL-to-SQL) scenarios without modifying the underlying LLM.

Last week, OpenAI opened up GPT-3.5-turbo for fine-tuning. In this post, we will fine-tune our own NL-to-SQL model and compare its performance against the state of the art RAG approach. We will use the Spider dataset from Yale university as our test benchmark.

Fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo for NL-to-SQL

Like all model training and fine-tuning, the first step of fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo is the creation and upload of a training dataset. Since GPT-3.5-Turbo is a ChatModel, this dataset must use to the following format, and be uploaded as a JSONL file

{"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "system_prompt"}, {"role": "user", "content": "user_prompt"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "assistant_prompt"}]}
{"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "system_prompt"}, {"role": "user", "content": "user_prompt"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "assistant_prompt"}]}
{"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "system_prompt"}, {"role": "user", "content": "user_prompt"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "assistant_prompt"}]}

The Spider dataset has a holdout test set of 2147 question/SQL pairs, a development set of 1034 question/SQL pairs, and a training set of 7000 question/SQL pairs. We will build our fine-tuning dataset in the structure above from the Spider training set.

Creating the training dataset

An NL-to-SQL task is defined as follows: given a question and database, identify a SQL query that when executed against the database returns a result set that can answer the question. Various approaches have been explored on how best to prompt LLMs for this task, and it is generally agreed that the prompt needs to include an instructional component, details of the database schema, information about the database’s content, a set of task-specific demonstrations and of course the actual question at hand.

Given the format of the ChatModel training data, the elements above have to be presented within the following three prompts:

  • system_prompt — will contain the instruction, database schema and database content
  • user_prompt — will contain the natural language question
  • assistant_prompt — where the SQL will be provided together with a reasoning step

Let’s look at how to create each of these for our NL-to-SQL training dataset.

The system prompt

Creating the system_prompt is by far the most complex part of this exercise. At a minimum, the system_prompt needs to include:

  1. The system instruction
  2. The DB schema
  3. Information about the DB content

In addition, for any real-world use case with a large number of tables, the samples in the training set should also train the model to select the correct tables from the DB for the SQL query (i.e perform schema-linking).

System Instruction

For the instruction we used the following standard prompt

You are an assistant that is an expert in generating Sqlite SQL queries.
Having the access to database content, generate a correct Sqlite SQL query for the given question.
### Database content ###

Database Schema

In the literature there are many proposed prompt formats for the database schema and content with no clear consensus around which performs best. We found the following to be the optimal representation of the database schema:

CREATE TABLE concert (
"concert_Name" TEXT NOT NULL, - the name of the concert
"Theme" TEXT, - theme of the concert
"Year" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("concert_ID"),
REFERENCES stadium ("Stadium_ID")
"Name" TEXT, - name of the singer
"Country" TEXT NOT NULL, - country where the singer born
"Song_Name" TEXT NOT NULL, - the name of the song produced by the singer
"Song_release_year" TEXT, - The release year of the song

Database Content

After much experimentation we found the following template to perform the best at training the model about the database content:

Columns in concert and 3 examples in each column for the high cardinality columns :
concert_ID: 1025 , 1101 , 1247
concert_Name : "Fire", "Dance", "Sky"
Stadium_ID : 9, 10, 11
Columns in concert and all categories for the low cardinality columns :
Theme : " ROCK ", " POP ", " HIP-HOP "
Year : 2022, 2021, 2023, 2020
Columns in singer and 3 examples in each column for the high cardinality columns :
Singer_ID : 10235 , 110231 , 1242447
Name : "Jordan", "Gabriel", "Tiffany"
Country : "Iran", "India", "Canada"
Song_Name : "dance in the fire", "rain", "sky"
Age : 19, 20, 21
Columns in singer and all categories for the low cardinality columns :
Is_male : "MALE", "FEMALE",
Song_release_year : 2022, 2021, 2023, 2020

An important element in the database content is how to identify categorical (low cardinality) columns. The threshold for distinguishing between low and high cardinality columns depends on the context window size of the Large Language Model (LLM) being fine-tuned. Given the 4096 token context window of GPT-3.5-turbo, we determined 20 tokens as the appropriate threshold between low and high cardinality columns.

Schema Linking

The final challenge in creating the system_prompts for our training set is to provide samples in such a way that train the model to correctly perform schema-linking on the database. To do this, we employed the following heuristic: for each individual NL <> SQL sample we included a random selection of other tables from the DB in addition to the correct tables until we reached the context window limit of 4000 tokens. To mitigate the influence of positional information, we further randomized the order of tables. In short, each system_prompt included the schema and content of the relevant tables mixed in with other irrelevant tables, helping train the model in picking the correct tables for the query.

We will now put all of this together to build our system_prompts.

For the sample below from Spider:

Question : "How many heads of the departments are older than 56 ?"
SQL: "SELECT count(*) FROM head WHERE age > 56"

The system_prompt will be

You are an assistant that is an expert in generating Sqlite SQL queries.
Having the access to database content, generate a correct Sqlite SQL query for the given question.
### Database content ###
id INTEGER, duration INTEGER,
start_date TEXT,
start_station_name TEXT,
start_station_id INTEGER,
end_date TEXT,
end_station_name TEXT,
end_station_id INTEGER,
bike_id INTEGER,
subscription_type TEXT,
zip_code INTEGER,
/* Columns in trip and 3 examples in each column for high cardinality columns :
id : 900645, 900752, 900524
duration : 1131, 2146, 1155
start_date : 8/21/2015 17:39, 8/21/2015 17:03, 8/21/2015 17:16
start_station_name : Howard at 2nd, 2nd at Folsom, Market at 10th
start_station_id : 56, 65, 49 end_date : 8/21/2015 17:19, 8/21/2015 18:08, 8/21/2015 17:32
end_station_name : Howard at 2nd, 2nd at Folsom, Market at 10th
end_station_id : 56, 65, 49
bike_id : 586, 56, 65
zip_code : 94070, 94530, 94040–1724
/* Columns in trip and all categories for low cardinality columns :
subscription_type : Customer, Subscriber

CREATE TABLE management (
"department_ID" INTEGER,
"head_ID" INTEGER,
temporary_acting TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("department_ID", "head_ID"),
FOREIGN KEY("head_ID") REFERENCES head ("head_ID"),
FOREIGN KEY("department_ID") REFERENCES department ("Department_ID")
/* Columns in management and all categories for low cardinality columns :
department_ID : 7, 15, 2, 11
head_ID : 5, 4, 6, 3, 10
temporary_acting : Yes, No

CREATE TABLE department (
"Department_ID" INTEGER,
"Name" TEXT,
"Creation" TEXT,
"Ranking" INTEGER,
"Budget_in_Billions" REAL,
"Num_Employees" REAL,
PRIMARY KEY ("Department_ID")
/* Columns in department and 3 examples in each column for high cardinality columns :
Department_ID : 1, 13, 11
Name : Energy, Interior, Health and Human Services
Creation : 1913, 1979, 1989
Ranking : 1, 13, 11
Budget_in_Billions : 10.7, 77.6, 59.7
Num_Employees : 112557.0, 3000000.0, 235000.0

"head_ID" INTEGER,
name TEXT,
born_state TEXT,
age REAL,
/* Columns in head and all categories for low cardinality columns :
head_ID : 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 6, 3, 10, 9
name : Jeff Maggert, Pádraig Harrington, Billy Mayfair, K. J. Choi, Dudley Hart, Sergio García, Stewart Cink, Tiger Woods, Nick Faldo, Franklin Langham
born_state : Delaware, Connecticut, Alabama, California, Florida
age : 69.0, 67.0, 68.0, 53.0, 56.0, 52.0, 50.0, 43.0


The user prompt

The user prompt is simple, the user question for each sample in Spider. For example:

How many heads of the departments are older than 56 ?

The assistant prompt

The assistant prompt is also simple, containing the associated SQL query from Spider and the reasoning step to find the correct column and correct table for the SQL query. To construct the reasoning step we simply extracted the tables and columns that are used in the SQL query. For example:

To construct the query, I'll be working with the following tables: head.
From these tables, I'll be using the following columns: age.
The SQL query I'll be generating is:
SELECT count(*) FROM head WHERE age > 56

Submitting the training set for fine-tuning

Once we have created the JSONL file (you can find a small sample here), the next step involves uploading the created file to OpenAI using the following command:

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
print(openai.File.create(file=open("spider-finetuning.jsonl", "rb"),purpose='fine-tune'))

After uploading the file you can check the status of the upload using the following command:


The result should be something like this:

"object": "file",
"id": "file-id",
"purpose": "fine-tune",
"filename": "file",
"bytes": 71699079,
"created_at": 1693343752,
"status": "uploaded",
"status_details": null

When the status has changed to processed (similar to below) you can use the file for fine-tuning:

"object": "file",
"id": "file-id",
"purpose": "fine-tune",
"filename": "file",
"bytes": 71699079,
"created_at": 1693343752,
"status": "processed",
"status_details": null

Now, we are ready to start the fine-tuning job. To create a fine-tuning job you can use the following python code:

suffix = "spider",
hyperparameters = {
"n_epochs": #number_of_epochs,

The duration of the fine-tuning process will vary depending on the size of the fine-tuning dataset. There is a maximum token limit for fine-tuning, which is set at 50,000,000 tokens. Therefore, when working with the Spider dataset, we reduced the number of samples from 7,000 to 5,750 and conducted fine-tuning for a total of 2 epochs.

You can check the status of the fine-tuning job using the following command:


The result should be something like this:

"object": "fine_tuning.job",
"id": "ftjob-id",
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
"created_at": 1693346245,
"finished_at": 1693353313,
"fine_tuned_model": "ft:gpt-3.5-turbo-0613:dataherald:spider:id",
"organization_id": "org-id",
"result_files": [
"status": "succeeded",
"validation_file": null,
"training_file": "file-id",
"hyperparameters": {
"n_epochs": 2
"trained_tokens": 44722020

Model Performance

We benchmarked the performance of the fine-tuned model against GPT3.5-Turbo without fine-tuning and DIN-SQL + GPT-4 (the current state of the art on Spider) for zero-shot performance.

The results are as follows

Performance of the fine-tuned GPT-3.5-Turbo against previous methods.

Fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo yielded a performance improvement of nearly 11 percent brining its accuracy in line with the DIN-SQL + GPT-4, the current state-of-the-art approach which uses GPT-4 and employs various advanced prompting techniques, including few-shot prompting, chain-of-thought prompting and decomposed prompting.

Critically, the fine-tuned model significantly reduces both cost and processing time when compared to the DIN-SQL + GPT-4 approach. The table below provides an approximate cost and speed of difference between the models per single question from Spider.

Cost and speed of different models per question from Spider benchmark

As demonstrated above, the cost of the fine-tuned GPT-3.5-Turbo model is 30 times less than DIN-SQL with GPT-4 and it is 12 times faster.

Conclusion and Next Steps

The results from the experiment are clear: with an initial investment of time and money to build a training dataset the state of the art can be matched in accuracy, while being 12 times faster and 30 times cheaper.

Fine-tuning is a powerful tool in the NL-2-SQL arsenal. However it is not a silver bullet as few organizations have NL-to-SQL training datasets readily available. It is our belief that the best architectures will combine fine-tuned models together with RAG agents. With the anticipated launch of GPT-4 fine-tuning, we expect progress in the field to accelerate further and finally unlock question-answering from structured data for all businesses.

In the next post we show how to plug in the fine-tuned model above into the Dataherald engine and deploy it in a real world scenario.

If you are interested in NL-2-SQL discussions you can join our Discord server. If you want to allow non-technical users to ask questions from your company’s data warehouse please join our waitlist.


DIN-SQL paper:

NL-to-SQL useful papers:

How to Prompt LLMs for Text-to-SQL:

Divide and Prompt:

Exploring Chain-of-Thought Style Prompting for Text-to-SQL:

A comprehensive evaluation of ChatGPT’s zero-shot Text-to-SQL capability:

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