
DataKind Bengaluru
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2021

For over 18 months, the volunteer team at ran an incredible effort, collating official sources of covid data from across the country, to bring us a transparent, reliable and accurate repository of India’s covid counts. For reasons they have explained here, that team closed operations on October 31, 2021.

We are a group of volunteers who have come together to continue this effort, with DataKind Bengaluru leading the tech side, and volunteers from across the country chipping in. Although we have taken help and guidance from the team (and their blessing to have the front and back end closely replicate theirs), this effort is operationally separate from the previous effort, in line with their wishes. We would also like to acknowledge Development Data Lab’s assistance in getting the front end up and running. replicates the previous effort in many ways, including, most importantly, in our shared belief that everything from the code base to sources to processes should be open. All data is downloadable from our API

These are early days — in particular, data on testing and vaccinations is still work in progress, but should be up on the site soon. Data on daily cases, deaths and recoveries, sources from government bulletins, is up and running, but please do reach out to us at if you spot any discrepancies.

We hope this continues to be a valuable resource for India’s health and research communities, as well as for the many citizens who used it to keep themselves informed. Thank you and stay safe. is a long term initiative at DataKind. If you are interested in committing with us on this initiative, please write us at

You can also check out the following open source codebase and data links that runs behind the website.

  • Code base to help scrape and extract data from various sources (over here)
  • Data extracted from the sources, collated (over here)
  • Code base for the web interface (over here)

You can join us on Slack to know about what’s happening. Follow us on twitter for more frequent updates or on github to contribute on all projects at DataKind.



DataKind Bengaluru

UX Design @ SAP Labs. Loves Data Viz, Product Design, Python + Javascript