Do you have a data story to tell?

DataKind UK
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2020

The Data4Good Festival call for contributions is live, and we want to hear from you!

Giselle Cory, Director at DataKind UK

A team of around 30 social sector partners are currently planning the Data4Good Festival for May 2021! We want to hear your ideas for the Festival programme. Got a story to tell about your organisation’s use of data to increase its impact? Share it with us here.

Data4Good Festival 10–12 May 2021 #Data4GoodFest

Share your stories

The Data4Good Festival aims to help people working in the social sector navigate the barriers to effective data use, and learn from other organisations who use data to inform their decision making.

To build an engaging, relevant, and exciting programme, we’re asking for contributions from social sector organisations who have stories to share about using data — whether it’s a horror story that you learned from, or a fairytale about successful data transformation. We’re keen to ensure other social sector organisations get a chance to hear it, and learn from you!

The partners bringing you the Data4Good Festival

What kind of content?

Sessions could be in the form of a workshop, a technical ‘how-to’ session, a panel discussion or a presentation. Whatever your idea, we want to hear it!

There are lots of ways to suggest content:

  • You can submit a session idea that you’d like to deliver yourself
  • You can tell us about a topic you’d like to see at the event, and know someone who would be brilliant to deliver it
  • You can tell us about plans your organisation has to run data-related events that can be included in our Fringe programme (see below)
  • You could simply tell us what you’d like to hear at the event and we’ll explore how to make it happen!

The final deadline is 11 January 2021.

Fringe events

In the new year we will also ask other data and digital organisations to include their own, independently run events and gatherings in our wider ‘Festival Fringe’ programme throughout May. If your organisation plans to run an event in May related to data use in the social sector, we’d love to incorporate it into our Fringe programme! Look out for that as a way to get more profile for your own data events for the social sector!

Get involved!

Submit your contribution now. The final deadline is 11 January 2021, when a panel of our Festival partners will assess entries and begin to build our programme.

Contact us at

With thanks to our partners:

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