Welcome Nish!

DataKind UK
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2022

We are thrilled to welcome to the DataKindverse the brilliant Nish Doshi, who is the new Community Manager of the Data Collective, a burgeoning community for people who work with data in the social sector. Their role is part-time, combined with working as Network Co-ordinator for the Tech for Good organisers’ network, and they are based in Scotland.

Headshot of Nish Doshi

What were you up to before DataKind?

I’ve always had a strong interest in social justice and community building. I’ve worked across the social sector supporting inclusive practice in community building. Before starting at DataKind UK, I was the Research and Development Manager at Campaign Bootcamp, a social justice training organisation which specialised in giving budding activists from marginalised communities the knowledge, skills and confidence to campaign.

Why are you excited to join DataKind?

Knowledge is powerful. From my work in social justice, I’ve seen how much data can change the world. DataKind has already shown how important it is for the social sector to embrace and understand data to achieve transformative futures. I feel privileged to be part of the Data Collective and hope to nurture an inclusive, supportive and informative community for everyone working with data in the social sector.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I’m the kind of person who has a lot of interests and hobbies, but also am atrocious at keeping up with them! I love to read, spend time in nature, swim in the sea, eat well-seasoned foods, and nap.

Beach in Scotland, wild looking rocky shore and overcast sky
Image by Frank Winkler from Pixabay

