Culture at
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2021

At unMazer, we are building an organization where our customers, employees, investors and other partners are proud to be associated with us. As cliche as that may sound, it really is true. Our journey begins at the point where high trust meets higher expectations. We want to build a cohesive ecosystem, where trust is the core foundation in our relationships.

There are a few guiding lights that drive us:

  • Create immense value for our customers
  • Focussed relentless execution
  • Have fun while building something worthwhile

Curious what life is like @ As we are completely in the remote set-up, for now, our values will give you a flavour of the same:

  1. Ownership

a. Take pride in the responsibilities. Employees are in the true sense the owner of unMazer.

b. The time of the day devoted to unMazer’s will ultimately be the vehicle for our customers’ success.

2. Focus

a. If something has your attention, energy flows and results manifest.

b. In the world of emails, notifications, IMs and other distractions ~ focus is of utmost importance.

3. Grit & Hard Work

a. We are blessed with tons of resources available; makes it hard to give up.

b. It is a guaranteed way to achieve milestones, growth and help in being regret-free.

4. Humility

a. Fight for your ideas but don’t be stubborn.

b. Your background & experience matter but the ‘doer’ trumps everything else

5. Street Smartness

a. With us, curiosity has never killed a cat!

b. We celebrate people who experiment and bring new ideas

6. Bias for shipping

a. No long meetings; things that can be done with less than 10 slack messages must be done through IMs

b. Build, ship, learn and iterate.

c. Be accountable, ask questions — what did I ship this week?

It’s easy to write noble ideals, but it’s difficult to live by them. We want to build an environment at unMazer where these values are instilled in the culture from the top down. We have an everyone-pitch-in kind of setup, where everyone works in a collaborative manner. This flexible environment encourages everyone from the founder to the intern, to share their thoughts and provide inputs. This agile structure allows us to change based on market research and customer feedback. Not only this leads to a more productive working relationship but also possesses a cross-functional understanding of other teams’ responsibilities.

We have set up an organisation that is conducive to continuous innovation and rewards creativity. This structure leans toward group thought and, as such, maximizes the possibility for new ideas that reaffirm the vision, propel the company’s growth.

If these values sound like you and describe the environment you want to be in, then you are likely to thrive at unMazer.

To know more, please visit or write to us at or leave a comment.


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