Busting the top 5 myths of remote software engineering team

Ava Black
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2020


Photo by Loewe Technologies on Unsplash

With the increasing demands of remote software engineering teams supporting companies worldwide, the recruitment process of offshore teams has always been the hot topic of recruiters. There have been multiple cases observed in recent times where many overseas development companies have promised to provide inexpensive software developments services to enterprises, only to fail to deliver the agreed services towards the end of the project period. With the growing negative experiences across the companies all over the globe, there are rumors in the market that most offshore works are unreliable, deliver poor quality work, and lack basic communication skills.

To set the facts straight, it would be illogical to claim that all the offshore software development engineering teams are unworthy, when there has been an approximately 80% growth in the remote workforce in recent decades. Surely, there are multiple factors that determine whether the remotely working software development team will validate the traditional stereotypical beliefs and myths. Undoubtedly right employment procedure, and managing the remote team strategically can ensure a huge win in the project, and for the overall company objectives. Getting dragged into the stereotype surely hinders us from opting for a huge pool of talents within the global market working remotely.

Therefore, let us now focus on the 5 myths that are prevailing in the market pertaining to remote software development teams.

Myth 1: Higher the payment, better the software engineering team

Truth — Not really. Not always!

It’s always important to focus on hiring the right and appropriate resource rather than the best one. Decisions of recruitment taken solely based on financial benefits are usually a big flop because the resource needs to fulfill the expectations of what the project demands.

Myth 2: Offshore software developers are not as good as local developers

Truth — Not true since it depends on the skills you’re looking for.

This should be easy to deal with if you remember the below three points:

  • If the local developers are bad or unskilled, remote developers are a better option
  • A good local developer is good, while a better skilled and experienced remote developer is better
  • A top developer for with the right skill set is always the best choice, irrespective of where he/she is located

Myth 3: Culture, language, and time zone differences are major hindrance

Truth — Not always true, but can be avoided during the hiring process.

This is far from true that culture, language, and time zone differences are major problems. The truth is these concerns should be mitigated during the recruitment process. Hiring a remote software engineer that fits the culture, communicates well, and respects the difference in time zone and delivers work efficiently can easily serve the purpose.

Myth 4: Offshore software developers lack the sense of team synergy

Truth — If they’re good resources, and if managed rightly, they’re sync just like local engineers.

Good software developers not only possess strong technical skills, they also ensure they socialize with you and your team, simultaneously ensuring long term relationships for future works as well. As a result, they work harder on their collaborative nature and commit to the team as a member.

Myth 5: Good resources are almost impossible to hunt down

Truth — Not true if you know clearly know where and how to find them.

Usually remote software engineers are classified into three types, based on their services:

  • Single freelance software engineers — They are single developers who work on small projects. If you are looking for professional services, these are the ones to avoid.
  • Development consultants — They are the most professional once but are very difficult to get hands on. They’re both expensive and have immense experience in the field.
  • Freelance networking agencies — They are the ones with specified skill sets and dedicated software developers for your project, but depending on their experience in the market, their cost may vary.

The selection would solely depend on your project targets, required skills and budget. Hence the choice should be made wisely.


It’s always helpful to do some background research before jumping into conclusions regarding the ever-growing opportunities of remote software development teams. Especially during the pandemic where the online work environment is booming, remote hiring is going to play a major role in serving companies and fulfilling their demands of software development and technical support.

